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patrick hockstetter had been obsessed with fawn denver since first grade. he still remembered the day they met.

it was valentines day and patrick didn't enjoy it one bit. (perhaps because he never got anything.) he watched everyone else exchange cards until a girl he had never spoken to tapped him on the shoulder and quickly handed him something.

to his surprise, it was handmade card and a dead rat. inside the card read:

to patrick,
happy valentines, i know you enjoy dead animals so i gave you one my cat killed.
love fawn.

his eyes stayed glued to the present. the card was messy and the handwriting was barely readable, but to him it was everything. no one in school had ever even wanted to talk to him, yet alone give him a present so thoughtful.

he looked back up the girl, fawn. patrick had never seen this girl before but she was in his class. he wondered how she knew about his interest, but then remembered the kids that talked about him behind his back. she was definitely the prettiest girl he'd ever seen before and ever since then, he was obsessed with fawn.

however, things didn't turn out his way when fawn got pulled out of school in the third grade. her mom had gotten horribly sick and so to make it easier for her dad, she started to get homeschooled. patrick was angry at fawn's mom and dad, why did they take her away from him? she would rarely come outside since she liked to take care of her mom and he didn't see her for weeks until he took matters into his own hands.

patrick started to stalk her. at first, it was only taking the long way to school, which went past her house and taking long walks on the weekend past. but it turned into more as the years went on. he started to grow frustrated as she barely left her house and patrick began to spend his days looking through the windows of her house.

it was like the lord heard his prayers when fawn's mom suddenly recovered. finally, in their sophomore year, fawn denver enrolled back into school.

but what happens when one of patrick's closest friend starts to take a liking to his girl too.

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