Chapter 1

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She walked into the hallway as everyone stopped in their tracks and stared at her.

She smirked as she saw the reaction on people's faces

They had expected her to have dropped out of college

"What the heck is going on? I thought they said she dropped out!" Briela, her biggest rival said out loud seeing her walk into the class

She carefully walks into her classroom as they all stared at her

She went to sit at the back corner of the classroom

  "Hey girl" Someone finally spoke to her

"Yo kate!"

" I never thought I'll be so happy to see you.. everyone thought you must have dropped out of college last semester after you failed about 3 courses" Kate said

"Well I'm here now"

At that moment, a lecturer walks into the classroom, usually the students won't give a damn to the lectures presence but this time everyone's eyes snapped at the gorgeous man in front of them.

"Holy Shit!! Did a real life Wattpad character just appear in front of me?" A person amongst the students yelled

With the students still staring at him speechless

He walks to the podium to introduce himself

"Good morning students, I am Dane Marcelo and I will be your new Italian teacher replacement" He said

Natalia's eyes turned from her phone screen to look at the man.. She had just noticed his presence after she heard a loud, deep and husky voice.

Dane's eyes quickly scrutinize the students, he knew how surprised they were to see him as they were expecting a 49-year old English lecturer but instead sees him.

He knew the effect he had on people, at times he just didn't like the attention he commanded..

Everywhere he went; heads turn, jaw drops and lips drool in his presence.

He was said to be the Perfect Wattpad Male Character.

His eyes suddenly caught the eyes of a girl at the back corner of the class who was equally staring at him as if to say she wasn't intimidated by his looks.

He quickly took in the presence of the girl

Her raven black hair, attractive  lips and brown eyes.

He turned his eyes away from her and proceeds to teach.


"I hope you all understood the topic and have a good day today, we'll have a short revision test in our next class" Dane said before leaving the classroom

The class instantly became noisy, everyone kept talking about the new hot lecturer.

She just simply rolled her eyes and turned her concentration back to her phone, she hardly concentrated on what he taught...She didn't even find anything special in him, of course he was indeed handsome, she disliked him for his actions

"I mean what sort of teacher announces a test on his first class!" She thought.

"Oh my gosh! Girl did you see that hot lecturer!" Kate said squealing in excitement as she sat next to Natalia

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