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The four boys had been walking nonstop, trying to find someone for help. They refused to give up since none of them really wanted to stay in the middle of nowhere without signal or a car to go back home.

Felix had clung on Minho's side and was about to open his mouth and say he wanted to go home because he was afraid of the dark but his eyes filled with hope once he saw a big mansion in front of him. He pointed at it while shouting "Guys, look!" the other three looked at the direction Felix was pointing at and sighed in relief.

Minho gestured for them to follow him and they did as they were told.

Running at the building, Minho stopped at the front door and motioned for the others to stay behind him, "I will knock. You idiots stay behind me in case whoever lives here is not harmless" he whispered and when the three younger boys stood a few steps behind Minho, the boy knocked on the big door in front of him.

Obviously nervous but mostly annoyed, Minho knocked again since the owner wouldn't open the door or at least yell at them to leave. After about 3 minutes of just standing there, Seungmin groaned loudly and grabbed Felix and Jeongin by their sleeves and tugged them along with him "This is stupid, we should just go somewhere else"

Minho rolled his eyes and started to leave as well until they heard the door unlock. The four of them watched with narrowed eyes as a very handsome man open the front door, looking rather annoyed himself. He eyed each one of them and when his eyes landed Minho, he raised his brow and closed the door in their faces.

Jeongin was left with his mouth hanging open by the unnecessary rudeness while Seungmin and Minho both clicked their tongues. Felix on the other hand didn't appreciate that and walked up to the door, past Minho, knocking on it hard "Did your parents never teach you manners?" he landed a kick on the door before banging on the door again "Hey! You rude motherf-"

The door opened once again, cutting Felix off but this time someone else opened it and the previous man was standing behind him. Felix stood still as another handsome guy appeared in front of him but soon shook his head and his angry expression returned "You handsome bastards better help us or else I won't forgive you-" he pointed at the guy behind "-for slamming the door in my brother's face. That's rude as fuck-"

Minho covered Felix's mouth with his hand and pushed him behind towards Seungmin and Jeongin who were surprised at their friend's outburst. Minho sighed and crossed his arms while staring at the two taller guys in front of him "Sorry for him, he's usually a coward but we actually need some help. Our car broke down and we have nowhere to go"

The blond one whispered something at the other's ear and he nodded, turning his attention back to Minho "We can't do anything about your car but we can accommodate you"

Minho stared at them for a few moments, trying to find any bad intentions in their eyes but luckily found none. He looked over his shoulder at the other three who nodded their heads in return before turning back to the strangers "Sounds good. Thank you"

The two stepped aside to let the four boys come inside and when they did, they looked around in awe. This place's decoration was mesmerizing. The taller guys were watching as the others were just walking around, analyzing their home.

Felix was walking backwards as he glanced up at the high ceiling and he was about to hit the back of his head on a doorframe before the guy from before put his hand behind his head before he could hit it "Should have eyes on your back at this point" he smirked and Felix hoped his blush wasn't as visible as he thought it was.

"Very funny" he rolled his eyes and moved away from the guy and closer to his older brother. He nudged Minho with his elbow and the other hummed while looking at him "That guy there is handsome as fuck, holy moly-" he whispered and the two boys heard a chuckle from said guy "Why thank you"

Felix and Minho shared a weird look and the smaller asked "How did you even hear that?"

"Maybe you should learn how to whisper. What're your names anyway?" the male shrugged and waved his hand, signaling for them to follow him upstairs. Seungmin noticed the other guy was checking Jeongin out so he pulled him closer protectively.

"I'm Felix and this is Minho hyung, Seungmin and Jeongin" he said while pointing at each one "What about you and the blondie?"

"The name's Chan and his name is Hyunjin"

Just as they reached the top of the stairs, they heard the front door open again so they all turned around and watch two other males come in. The one was unfamiliar to Minho but the moment his eyes fell on the other one, he froze. He immediately recognized the guy.


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