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Hours passed and Minho had been working nonstop. It was Friday and surprisingly more people were coming to the cafe so the boy wasn't really able to relax or even eat something. And he was hungry as fuck, not having eaten anything at all.

The worst thing was the fact that it was summer and the air conditioner was broken so it was extremely hot inside. Minho had to wipe the sweat off his face every 15 minutes or so. His mind had completely forgotten about the man from yesterday, as he had gotten distracted.

Last time Minho checked the clock it was around 7:45 pm but when he did it again the time showed 11. Minho was shocked at how the time had passed and he didn't even notice. It was an exhausting day at work today, he thought. He sighed in relief though because that meant that the cafe was now closed and as always, he had to clean before closing.

He cleaned the counter and the tables before turning off the light and exiting the shop, locking it as he started his way back home. He had to pass by a dark alleyway but since it wasn't the first time he would do that Minho wasn't scared. He suddenly felt his head spinning and his legs grew weak as he stumbled so he stopped walking for a little bit to steady himself.

Placing his hand on his forehead, he remembered he hadn't eaten anything all day and the weather being hot even at night wasn't really helping him. He moved closer to a wall and leaned his back against it, taking deep breaths as he mumbled to himself "Stupid.. I should have eaten before leaving, fuck me" he blinked a few times and started to walk again slowly "Come on, it's not so far"

He continued his way through the alleyway before hearing loud footsteps coming from behind him. He didn't have enough time to react as he felt his body get slammed on the ground and another body on top of his. He opened his eyes and gasped when he saw a much older man, around his 40's on top of him with a creepy smile. The man's eyes were filled with lust as his hand was roaming over Minho's smaller body.

Minho wanted to scream for help and fight back but felt helpless when he felt himself slipping away from consciousness and a hand was covering his mouth. He seriously should have at least eaten a toast or something. He didn't like the way the man touched him and he couldn't believe what was happening right now. Was he going to be raped by some creepy guy? Was he possibly going to get killed? He didn't know.

Minho's tears streamed down his face as his eyes finally closed, passing out while the man was still above him. Said man was unzipping Minho's pants freely now that the boy wasn't trying to escape. That was until a figure ran behind him in inhuman speed and broke his neck in an instant. The man fell dead on the ground beside Minho's unconscious body. It all happened so fast that nobody could ever describe it if they saw it.

The figure stepped closer and crouched down next to Minho, staring at his face for a moment before zipping his pants and picking him up bridal style..


"Oh, Ji you're ba- Wait who's that?"

"Minho" Jisung simply said, ignoring Hyunjin and made his way upstairs to his room while carrying an unconscious Minho on his chest while the smaller had his head rested on his neck. Hyunjin followed him with an obviously confused expression "Don't tell me you kidnapped someone to suck the life out of them" Jisung clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes "You make it sound like I'm gonna suck him off, go away"

"I meant blood feeding!" Hyunjin defended himself but still followed him into his room, crossing his arms "I'm going to tell Chan hyung if you don't tell me what's going on. You just brought a stranger in our mansion-" he looked over at the boy when Jisung places him on his bed "-who is incredibly cute and handsome now that I see him" he smiled but it quickly fade when he noticed Jisung's death glare towards him "Okay okay! He's yours, jeez" he waved his hands in front of him

"But still why did you bring him here? You know it's dangerous if he sees us"

Jisung sighed as he glanced at Minho who looked super tired. Being honest, Jisung had been stalking Minho for a while now. He knew when he was working, what time he was leaving, making sure nobody hurt him on his way back to his apartment etc. He had a special feeling towards the smaller and he wasn't exactly sure what it was. Maybe it was possession, lust. He hadn't slept with anyone for over 4 months maybe that was the reason why he followed the handsome boy.

Their encounter yesterday replayed in his head. How cute Minho was when he blushed or when he stuttered by simple things Jisung did or said. He found Minho different. Normally people wouldn't let just anyone catch them being frozen while being the only person in a shop or touch them in any way. What if Jisung was a robber? Would Minho let him do anything? Who knows.

He chuckled at the thought and looked at Hyunjin who was currently staring at Minho's veiny hands. Jisung followed his gaze and hissed at this friend "Don't even think about it." Hyunjin groaned in annoyance "Well, you brought him here, let's at least drink from him! I can smell his sweet blood- OW!"

He rubbed his arm and pouted "Fine, we won't do that. Why are you so protective over him though? Do you know him personally? Actually why did you even bring him here?" Jisung quickly explained how he knew Minho, their interaction and what happened at the alleyway in which Hyunjin replied with a nod, "Ah, okay. What are you gonna do once he's awake though? He can't know the truth, Ji, Chan hyung would kill us"

Jisung had already thought of an idea so he wasn't worried.

.❀。• *₊°。°.。• *₊°。 ❀°

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