training and trust

Start from the beginning

when we arrived everyone aside from Minho scattered- i watched them run off in confusion, Minho didn't seem to phased.

"they are going to need a bit, i know your car got totalled in the river and all- basically unsalvageable but we have a few spare ones, take your pick and after we train you can add anything you want to it. itll be yours to keep."

a grin broke across my features- i would total my car ten times over for this all, when Minho lead me to the garage my eyes widened in awe- there was such an array, all with the same colour patterns but they were still so individual. i ran my hand over a well shined Bentley and spotted a camaro, same make as dereks. i settled on the camaro ZL1- it was the best car i could possibly think of and with a few of my upgrades would be infinitely better than my old one.

Minho grinned at my choice, complimenting my taste but something about his smile made me think there was more than he was letting on. i didn't mull on it for too long, too busy ogling the beauty of a car. when i looked inside to see pristine black leather chairs and in the front cup holder a pair of my little pony swimming goggles.

"in case it rains"
Minho joked. i rolled my eyes, shoving them into the drivers side compartment.

"its already got armour on it cause we get a little rough in training so it should be fine- the windows are reinforced too."
Minho informed me- i don't know why it was relevant but i was sure it'd become apparent soon. Minho got in his- i recognised it from every race we had been to. his classic mclaren 620R i think.

i revved my engine and it purred like a dream, i went round in a large circle for a couple laps, getting used to the new car, it didn't take long for me to get comfortable in it. i pulled up beside Minho at the starting line, he rolled down his window and i copied the action.

"the first lap isn't a race against each other- its just so you can get a good knowledge of the track- its not too advanced but worth going through once"
he yelled over the engines rumbles. i nodded with an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"just follow me- speed up if you feel comfortable to do so"
he rolled his window back up and drove off, i followed close behind- as we drove i noticed all the gladers in specific positions around the whole thing- something was up... Minho rounded the final corner and before i could think further about the odd look on all of them he sped up, passing the starting line- there was a crackle in my car before his voice came through the speakers.

"alright now its a race- five laps, lets see how well you fare without your boost"

he cajoled, i grinned and slammed down on the accelerator, i was gaining on him quickly when suddenly my window was splattered with paint ball pellets, i glanced up to see newt and aris hammering pellets down on me and Minho- i tried desperately to get it all off my screen but ti just made it worse, eventually it cleared enough just in time for me to see gally shove over a pile of tyres, i twisted the wheel harshly making my car drift past and barely avoid the falling wheels. i looked back ahead and Minho seemed pretty prepared for all of it. i gritted my teeth and sped up.

"ooh- forgot to warn you, the rest of them will act as surprise attack kind of things- ya never know what could happen at a race after all, try not to get hit."

i took a deep breath and looked out at my surroundings more whilst also trying to stay on with Minho- i lost my attention on the track for a moment and went back to trying to win, i was right at his tail and looking to ram him but all too suddenly he took a sharp left- i didn't have time to avoid the bag of flour that pelted my car. cursing angrily i tried to get back on track now almost unable to see anything. it only got worse when frypan dropped a whole can of paint over my car.

there was no chance i would win if i couldn't see- i decided 'screw it' i fumbled in the side compartment before pulling out the pink goggles and shoving them on, then i yanked on my seatbelt till i had enough space to wrench my window down- i stuck my head out of  the window- thankful for the goggles no matter how dumb i looked and drove on, i veered past multiple obstacles along with gally literally sprinting for my car- finally i saw Minho ahead of me, he was on the home stretch and there was no chance i would win this but regardless i sped up- trying to close the gap as much as possible. i passed the finishline inches behind him. i slumped out the window in defeat. i looked like a mess, paint was all over my upper half along with a large amount of flower now in my hair. Minho was doubled over with laughter at my appearance.

i got out the car with much effort, pulling down the goggles as i walked over to him.

"oh laugh it up- go on, mother fucker that was hard"

he was still wheezing, tears pricking his eyes- i couldn't help but laugh too- catching my appearance n a road mirror, the goggles had left a mark where no flour or paint had touched. i looked mental. the other gladers soon appeared all either laughing or trying desperately to stifle it. when Minho finally calmed down he faced me with an amused look.

"gotta give you credit- was a smart if not inceridbly dumb move sticking your head out the window, im surprised you lasted though- its pretty intense huh?"

i nodded.

"it just shows that i need to know more than how to go fast and cut sharp corners."

"and that is why you have us"

gally finished, puffing up his chest a little. i guess i did have them and to be honest it made my heart swell. i had barely known them for that long but i already cared so much about them as a whole. .i hope this never ends.

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