♡ Unexpected Encounters ♡

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( Is it just me or is this fan art really cute?! )

Ya'll, I'm so sorry that you have to see that ugly bitch, *cough* April *cough* in this beautiful video of Donnie. I was trying to find one that DID NOT include that bitch in it, but like a FUCKING mosquito, she's ALWAYS there, bugging everyone. I couldn't find one without her, I'm sorry 😭😭✋



F/S - Favorite Show

F/C - Favorite Character.

You were sitting on your bed, eating popcorn, with your e/c orbs glued to the TV, you were watching your most favorite show of all, (F/S). The characters, the plot, everything about it is just amazing! You can write an entire essay on why it's the best show in the whole universe! You even had a crush on a few of the characters. You gasped and jumped up and down on your bed as the villain was FINALLY defeated after 500 millions seasons and episodes later, your F/C finally killed them! "YES! YES! YES! YES!! FINALLY!! HA, TAKE THAT, YOU SCUMBAG!!" You yelled loud enough that your neighbors could hear you. "Hey, shut it, people are trying to sleep here!" One of your neighbors yell. You roll your eyes and stop jumping on your bed, you sit back down, shoving the popcorn in your face. You continued watching (F/S) when all of a sudden, you heard a loud noise on the roof. You got up from your bed and walked towards your window, you could hear someone talking. You opened your window and climbed up the roof to see what was going on, as you finally reached the top, you froze and your mouth DROPPED. The "person" was a human-sized turtle with a blue mask and 2 katana swords. "They just won't follow my orders!! Why don't they ever listen?? Especially Raph, UGHHH!! Why does he have to be like that?!?! What did I ever do to him?!?!" You gulp and tried to get back down but your right foot gets stuck. "No.. come on..!!" You said nervously, desperate to leave. He turned around and took his swords out in defense. "Who are you? And what are you doing?" He said, getting closer to you. "I-It's okay! I-I won't hurt you I-I swear...! I-I just got my foot stuck, c-can y-you please help m-me..?" You said, trying to remain calm. His eyes softened and he put his swords back behind his shell. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scared you." He said as jumped down onto the balcony and reached out towards the fire escape to help release your foot.

"I-It's alright." You smiled, still slightly frightened. A few minutes later, you feel that your foot is finally free, you move it around a bit. "Thanks!" You climb back down to the balcony with Leo. "So... uhhh... what's your name..?" Leo asked awkwardly. "Y/N. Yours?" ... "Leonardo, but you can call me Leo for short." He said, smiling. You both awkwardly shake hands and nod. Leo was about to say something until his T-Phone went off, it was Raphael asking him where he shell he was. He sighed and responded, a minute later he put his T-Phone away.

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