Love at first sight

Start from the beginning

Ash: (whispers) I know bitch you better get yo man

Metro: Okay we here y'all take these that's how the security won't bother y'all.

Ash: Thank you Mr. Boomin

Diamond: Yea tha- thanks Mr. Boomin

Metro: Please y'all call me Metro or Leland

Ash:Well Metro my name is Ashley

Metro: Nice to meet you Ashley(shakes her hand) What's your name Ma?

Diamond: Ummm who me?

Ash: Duhhh bitch (laughs)

Metro: (laughs) Yes you

Diamond: My name is Diamond but you can call me Diamond

Metro: (laughs) Well it's nice to meet you Diamond (shakes her hand but didn't let go) you got really soft hands

Diamond:  (starts blushing) Thanks

Ash: Omg is that drake?

Metro: Yea that's him

Ash: omg I wanna say hi

Metro: Go ahead (laughs)

Diamond: wait don't leave me

Ash: Aht Aht you stay here with yo man byeeeee

Diamond: Ash no Omg

Metro: (chuckling) I guess you staying here with me yo man(laughing)

Diamond: (i don't know why she said that)

Metro: Well maybe because you think I'm fine

Diamond: huh?

Metro: I heard you guys whispering (laughing)

Diamond: Oh sorry (nervously laughed)

Metro: No need to apologize I definitely don't mind, you're beautiful yourself

Diamond: (puts her head down and smiles) Thank you

Metro: You're welcome pretty

Diamond: (smiles) ummm what time the show starts?

Metro: Well y'all already missed drake but 21 and myself going on in 20 minutes

Diamond: oooooo okay cool

Metro: Do you wanna go to my dressing room until it's time for me to go on?

Diamond: Sure who all in there?

Metro: Just my brother and my engineer Ethan oh and 21

Diamond: oh okay yea sure i don't mind

Metro: okay let's go

Metro and Diamond walked to Metros Dressing room together, while Ash was somewhere cupcaking with Drake.

Metro: wussup y'all, I want y'all to meet my new friend this is Diamond, Diamond this is my Engineer Ethan, One of my little brothers Landon and ofc you know 21.

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