New Start

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Diamond: Welp I'm finally here

Ash: Di Di don't feel bad for leaving this is your time to shine and finally do what you love.

Diamond: Yea you're right, I'm just nervous for this new start you know it's gone be hard to come up as a up coming songwriter especially for a woman.

Ash: Girl please you're one of the best that I know you can be up there with people like Beyoncé but as a songwriter instead, and don't forget you also know how to make beats so to me it's a win win situation.

Diamond: Yea you're right once again

Ash: You gone thank me later watch I promise everything gone be okay.

Diamond: I love you Ash

Ash: I love you too Di Di, okay so let's get you settled in and then we gotta go grocery shopping.

Diamond: Ok bet

✨Diamond and Ashley started unpacking all of Diamonds things and settling up her new apartment.✨

Diamond: Ash come here real quick

Ash: Yea wussup?

Diamond: You tryna go to this Drake and 21 savage concert tomorrow night?

Ash: Is it just drake and 21 performing?

Diamond: nah it's a few special guest performing also.

Ash: special guest?? Girl like who?

Diamond: Girl idk (Chuckles) it's called a special guest for a reason.

Ash: Yea you right, yea I'm down to go fasho

Diamond: Alright Bet I'm finna order our tickets now and after we gotta figure out what we wearing.

Ash: Bet

✨Diamond ordered the concert tickets for her and ashley not knowing that because of this simple purchase her life was gonna change.✨

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