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"Mikey what are you doing you don't know her " Me and Ken-chin met her at the hospital she's the one who stood up for us, she said her only family left is almost dying by her reaction right now they probably didn't survive" "oh shit" "damn" "thats rough" "Ken tell them that we will fight Moebius and thats it for today" " Ok everyone we will fight Moebius thats final and thats all for today's meeting you are dismissed" "captain and vice captains stay behind" 

I still have this girl in my lap she look's so peaceful and broken at the same time how can a face like hers hold so many different emotions but mostly sadness.

"what do i do with this girl I cant just leave her here and her phones out of battery" "honestly Mikey i think the only thing you can do right now is take her home with you" "yeah she looks to at peace right no and who knows how long its been since she had a break from life" "I agree with Draken and Mitsuya" "and what if she wakes up scared you should take her down to the station" "same with Pah she could file a kidnaping against you so" "ok who votes take her home and who votes take her to the station"

"station" "station" "home" "station" "home" "home" "home" "yeah home" "nah station" "so four station five home home wins" "you need help" "sure get her on my back please" "thx Mitsuya bye now" "I'll ride wit you to get her settled at your house" "kay" the ride was quite neither of us said a word to each other just riding against the wind making sure this girl doesn't wake up or fall off.

soon enough we made it home she was still on my back so Draken opened the door and emma came down. "Who's that" "shhh, she needs somewhere to sleep at least for the night" "oh, is she ok" "I hope, so she can sleep in my room I'll sleep on the floor or couch" "kay g-night Draken, Mikey" we placed her on my bed and she got comfortable it was funny she took the whole bed.


huh where am I this bed is so fucking soft though I could li- "oh your awake how you feeling" "oh I'm fi- wtf huh!? who the why wha hw huh" "well I'm Mikey we met at the hospital you passed out on my lap and I didn't know what to do" oh yeah so she is dead it wasn't a dream "oh, thank you I'll get out of your way sorry for the trouble" "nahhhh it nothing you should stay for breakfast" "no i should I really have to get going I'm already late for school" "your still gonna go to school after what happened" "yeah I have to"well can I at least give you a ride to school" "oh sure if its not a bother for you" "never and here's your phone I charged it and put my number in it you should really put a password on it" 

idk if thats creepy but it feels like it is. "thx for the ride ill see you later" "no problem" he said then drove away so i turned around and started walking to Lisa and mine secret hiding place her grandparents old abandon house no one ever comes here i guess Lisa would want me to take over this place if she ever died and I guess thats now so lets get to work. I started moving boxes and dusting some stuff until I got a text a text from her parents about her funeral inviting me to go and say something its gonna be in 4 days her favorite day Thursday because it tricks people to get exited and think its Friday but no theres still one day left she says 

"Every day deserves love  except Monday so I love a day no one really loves, plus way to many people love Friday it doesn't need more love same with the weekends " I smile weakly at the memory of her voice and I shed a tear. "how am I so post to live without you, why did you have to put yourself first no out of all the other times you could have, you broke the promise" 

*T.W  SELF-HARM please skip if uncomfortable very detailed*

"Ok Y/n if I don't try and kill myself you cant cut yourself anymore either" "Fineee but once you try and off yourself i will cut again deal"what makes you so sure I'll loose first"cause you always do"oh really ok lets see who looses now" " ahhh sto-hahah tha-thats no far ahahah ok ok hahaha you don-hahah always loose" "thats what I thought bitch" "its not fair your not ticklish" "I'm just built different"

"Eww i stink i gotta take a shower" bro this water is surprisingly hot I space out mid shower not even knowing what Im thinking about until my eyes land on a razor in the corner of the shower it felt like a staring contest between me and the razor as my hand slowly reaches to it i cant resist it.....

I finally grab it as i hold it in the palm of my hand i remember all the pain in my life right now no one to turn to as I glide the blade against my thigh more and more things come to mind. Now the blade isn't gliding its racing against my skin as if its in a hurry to get to the stoping point over and over again i cant even count them anymore some deep others thin. In different angles to i move to my other thigh and keep going i keep cutting until my phone catches my eye.

I'm getting a phone call I bearly whisper out looking at my phone I finally put the blade down and finish my shower feeling the sting of the hot water going on my freshly cut thigh. The soap burning into my cuts but I don't feel it i just stair at nothing. finally finishing my shower and wearing a black joggers so my blood wont stain anything since it doesn't show on black and a long sleeve oversized shirt i found laying around not. even though I'm alone I cant bear looking at my scares so I wear cloths to cover them.

Lost in my thoughts I remember I got a phone call. oh its Mikey i should call him back  "oh hi sorry I didn't get your call i took a shower" "huh? I dropped you of at school how did you take a shower? did you leave early?" oh shittt i forgot he dropped me off shit shit think of something  "oh yeah I umm felt a little sick I asked for an early leave" "oh ok i just wanted to hang out I could introduce you to some of my friends" "oh ummmm ig im not doing anything  and i feel better where should i mee-" "Its ok I'll pick you up just send your location I'll come to you" "oh thanks I'll send it right now I'll see you soon" "kayyyyy seee uuuu"


I smile at the name he chose for his contact.

My location rn is                                                                                                                    


Im on my wayyy! ill text you when i get there :) 

I smile yet again what is up with this guy

see you then 

please let me know if you would want me to use you instead of first person narrative . Have a great pride month :)  

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