Chapter 3: It's Alright

Start from the beginning


/Akari Pov/

After I put Ai to bed, I went to my room and took some medicines to drink.

I must have overreacted for that to happen, I suppose. However, I had just got better, so the shock must have caused me to collapse. Seeing her mother collapse must have shocked Ai...

I thought Ai's expressions in that moment I fell.

Is it just me, or does her expressions shows too much emotion?

I chuckled a little.

No no, maybe my baby just has an emotional personality.

I stepped out to my balcony to get some fresh air and think on the situation.

"I wonder how Aqua and the Ruby is feeling..."

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes as I started to recall some old memories.

"{Hey Akari... Did you know that Mama has a favorite Idol?}"

"{Who is it Mama?}"

"{Her name has a meaning of love in it. Actually, I was planning to give you a name that symbolizes love.}"

"{Really?! Then why did you give me a name that symbolizes light?}"

"{Before I had you, I was trapped in this void called darkness. Even though my husband and my idol gave me some light... When I had you...}", My Mom then smiles so happily "{You drove all the darkness away! You are my light, your Papa is my savior, and my idol was my hope.}"

"{I'm really curious about the idol you are talking about Mama.}"

My mom paused for a second, "{Well, let's just say she went to a far away place for a vacation.}"

So that's what you meant of vacation... I never knew your idol was Ai, mother. Maybe that's why you were so down that day... I should have known.

I looked up to the sky and said, "Aqua, I hope you know what you are doing."


I reached into my pocket, pulled out my phone, and answered it.


[Ahh! Akari! It's me, lemonade!]

I laughed and replied, "Haha, yes lemonade, what is it?"

[Ahh, the culprit... We found his place-]

I suddenly asked her, "WHERE?"

[But we just found out he left the country. All his important files is definitely with him. I have no choice but to continue the search out of japan...]

I replied with sadness, "Ahh I see."

[You okay?]


[Liar. I saw the news too, you know?]

"You caught me hehe."

[Just stay here in Japan okay. You just gave birth and it's best if you start going to high school and make some friends.]

"But I can't just stay here while you go on your own to find him. Besides, you should also go to high school."

[Hahaha! I have Riyuko here with me. And don't worry, I am not reckless like you and your boyfriend after all hehe.]

I cried out, "M-Miya!" as I began to blush heavily.

[Hehe, it's alright, I understand. Just enjoy your life there and leave the complicated stuff to me. Go back to writing music and doing dancing and stuff. I even wonder how your yo*utube channel is even doing...]

"W-Well, i-it's still gaining views but I really haven't posted anything for months now so..."

[Then do it. Like I said, it's time to enjoy your life there, ok? Don't worry about me and go to school.]

"But, how can I-"

[Blah, blah, blah, I can't hear you.]

I giggled then smiled.

[By the way, who will watch over your kid when you go to school?]

"Because school starts in three months, I am still caring for Ai for the time being; I will find a babysitter later."

[Okies! Be careful to not let your secret out ok! And also, did you receive a call from him yet?]

I paused for a second, "Not yet..."


"Ok! Ok! Stop with the exaggerations. He couldn't call me because my dad really scolded him for this one. But this time, he is really busy for a shoot, but he will call me when he is free."

[Hmph! He really deserves that scolding! Can't believe he couldn't call his girlfriend just because he is busy.]

"Miya, you know he can't always call me right? You know the reason."

[Sigh. Fine fine, I get it.]

"Can't believe your attitude changed hehe. You used to approve of him when we started dating."

[W-Well, that was before he took your virg*nity away! Do you have any idea how shocked I was when I found out you were pregnant! Can't believe he got the nerves to-]

Here we go again, she said she understood me 30 seconds ago and now she's babbling about the same thing. Sigh, what am I going to do with you?

"He is a good person, you know that."

[I know... Just... Just tell me if something bad happened ok?]

"I will, don't worry."

[Good. Enjoy your life there okay! Sleep well, and make sure to recheck the security ok?]

I smiled, "Okay!"

I ended the call and gave a loud sigh.

"Miya, I'm sorry, but I can't just spend my life happy knowing that someone is out there who killed Ai. But... I really can't interfere with them to find him, so it's best to wait for Aqua's next move."

I hope Aqua and Ruby is okay... For now, let's just continue being the mother Ai needs and go back to making music again...

Because of the guilt I was feeling at the time, I felt it was impossible for me to have a comfortable life.

"Hikaru Kamiki..."

I'll find you and give you what you deserve!

Oshi no ko: Akari HayakiWhere stories live. Discover now