Taken by Mercer

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So I'm taken by mercer -points to title and picture above- see that's us on a picnic
Now if you don't like the fact that I'm dating him then you can just keep your comments to yourself because I'm not going to deal with anyone trying to make me feel upset anymore
I love mercer
He loves me
I don't plan on leaving again I may switch accounts at times but I'm not leaving him ever
Now if that makes you upset and you have a comment to say to me do this
- think about what you want to say to me
- think if it's mean or not
- if it's not mean ok say it to me
-if it's mean then you get in your car
-drive to the nearest green house
-find a cactus, a big pokey one
-buy it
-drive home
-take off your pants and underwear

There problem solved

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