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Just so you know, I don't care what you think about me
I'm not showing my face in the picture because the only person who deserves to see my face is my boyfriend Mercer

I'm Chloe Mansfield, I know my last name is pretty weird but whatever -shrugs- it will change one day

I'm 17 years old, my birthday was a couple days ago but that doesn't matter cause I'm still under 18 and I'm still in High School so I don't see what the big deal is with me age

I'm straight an taken by Mercer Street_Girls he's my prince and I'm his Princess, I have left many times but surprisingly every time I come back he's right there willing to take me back, except if I leave one more time he isn't forgiving me and I respect that completely

So I'm still a virgin, after dating mercer for..on the 17th in pretty sure it will be 2 months, and I'm still a virgin cause he loves my innocence, my parents ran away when I was young, I'm not sure why but I hope they have a really good reason as to why, I'm completely innocent so please don't try and ruin it, mercer likes me innocent and I like being innocent, I have had so many people message me specifically and tell me all this stupid crap and that's the reason I have left 2-3 times, so if your even thinking about telling me some crap to make me sad piss off! I'm happy!

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