Chapter 11

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It took two more days until they finally reached Rivendell. Lord Elrond awaited them and offered them a feast. All three travelers were very hungry and ate almost everything they had been given.

That was when the door opened and Arwen entered. Legolas could see how Aragorn's eyes widened before Arwen came running towards him falling into his arms kissing him. The elf felt something shatter inside of him. He felt his heart falling into pieces. He gasped for Air, but there was none. Trying to seem as normal as possible he excused himself and went outside letting himself fall onto the ground. Tears came pouring out of his eyes uncontrollably. He must've sat there on the ground for hours crying, before he found the courage to stand up and get inside the palace searching for his room.

Arwen led Aragorn into her Chamber, but there was this feeling in his heart that there was something wrong.

He quickly made up an excuse and left walking outside. Kissing Arwen was not the same anymore. He didn't feel the spark. He didn't even know if he still loved her. And as they kissed he had to think about Legolas. Oh the elf that had him wrapped around his fingers. The elf with the beautiful long platin blonde hair and those all so blue eyes. There was no way that Aragorn would make love to Arwen while thinking about his best friend. He had to get out. He had to get some fresh air to clear his mind.

And as he stood outside he saw a person sitting on the ground, his face hiding in his hands. It was his friend Legolas who sat outside on the ground and cried. Aragorn stood there, watching him, thinking about going up to him and comforting him, but he rejected this thought. He knew his friend. He would be even more upset and embarrassed if he knew that someone saw him in this weak position.

With this in mind he got back inside making his way to his room hoping to not run across Arwen.

The next day when Aragorn knocked on Legolas' door, the elf hadn't enough energy left to even greet him properly. And as they started their usual walk through the gardens Legolas didn't say one single word.

Aragorn was really worried about him. What was wrong with him? Why didn't he talk to him like he would normally do? What made him so sad all the time? Suddenly he realized. Legolas suffered from a heartbreak. *That must be it. That's why he rejects all the women and is so sensible when he speaks about love. But who is this girl he is so in love with?*

Aragorn felt jealousy form inside of him but tried to quickly swallow it down. He needed to help his friend and not be jealous.

"Mellon?", the man sat the elf down on a big stone, "May I ask you something?". "What is it?". "Did somebody break your heart?". Legolas looked down, knowing that he gave his answer by not answering. But he hadn't enough energy left to lie to him. If Aragorn found out about his feelings, then he found out. What should he do about it now? "Does she know?" *She he thinks I love a she* "No she doesn't". "But how are you so sure that she doesn't love you back?" "She loves another". "Oh. I'm so sorry mellon nin!", Aragorn took Legolas in for a hug. A long warm hug. Legolas cuddled his head into his friends strong neck wanting to stay like this forever. Right there, he felt warm, he felt good. 

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