Chapter 9

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3 weeks had passed and Aragorn felt a lot better. Now he was ready to continue their journey. Gimli was still trying to conquer the ginger elfs heart, who kindly rejected him over the past weeks.

"Ellessar!", the elven king spoke to Aragorn and gave him a sign of rising from a bow, "I had you escorted to the crown hall so that we could discuss your future path". "What do you want to know, my Lord?", Aragorn asked. "I need your promise to look after my son while you are on your journey. Can you give me that?" "Of course! I will always look after your son, he is my best friend since you send him to me 60 years ago." "Good.", Thranduil walked around the hall while speaking, "Would horses be any kind of help to your quest?". "Thank you my Lord, this would be much help!", Aragorn was thankful for this gift. Due to the delay they would never make it to Rivendell in time without these horses. "So be it. Go pack your stuff and before you leave –send Legolas to me!". Then Aragorn bowed and left.

Thranduil loved his son, more than anything in the world, but everytime he looked at him he saw his mother. His mother, the women he'd loved. Afraid of ever having to endure the same pain again like when he lost her, he wouldn't dare to show emotions. Not towards his son, nor anyone else.

Legolas was already packing his things when Aragorn entered. "Oh so many things you have with you. You know we are supposed to travel light, right?", Aragorn grinned ironically as he looked at the elf who just packed his two daggers, his bow, his sword and a very small bag containing an apple and three pieces of elvish bread. "And what are you bringing?", Legolas smiled at him. The human looked down on himself like he wanted to tell the elf that this was everything he brings: himself. "You have to go see your father", he said, "I will go check on Gimli if he is ready to leave as well. We'll meet tomorrow morning at dawn in the stables.". Legolas nodded and they both made their ways.

The prince entered the crown hall walking towards his father, "You wanted to see me, Ada?". "Yes, I wanted to make sure you are alright before you leave.", he made a short pause, "You have not given me another heir yet. Do you intend to do so?". Legolas was shocked about his fathers longing. "I don't know. Now I have a lot other things on my mind." Legolas knew in his heart, that he would never be able to love a woman and therefore will never be able to give his father an heir. "This is your duty as prince. You are almost 3000 years old. Don't die on me without an heir!", Thranduils voice was even more cold than Legolas was used to. He was scared to disappoint his father and just nodded as he turned around and walked towards the door. "And son-". Legolas stopped. The king looked at the princes back and thought about how much he loved him. He hated that he was so harsh towards him, he just couldn't help it. His ego didn't allow any indulgence. "-be careful". Then Legolas left without another word spilled.

The next morning came and the three met in the stables like Aragorn had proposed. They saddled the white horses and made their way out with Gimli sitting behind on Legolas horse. "Why did we have to leave just now. I could swear I had this elven Lady wrapped around my finger. A few more days and she would have been mine.", Gimli grumbled while Aragorn and Legolas looked at each other and shared a smile.

There they sat on their horses riding away from the sun making their way to Rivendell.  

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