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[Pepper is seen walking down the hallway of the mansion that afternoon. She went down stairs towards the lab and took a deep breath before going towards Caitlin. Who was now dressed and playing around with some holograms. Trying to figure something out.]

The team's look saddened, realizing whet Pepper was going to do. She was going to tell Caitlin

[Pepper walked in to see Caitlin working on some holograms and designing a blueprint of something. A bracelet of some sort? At the sound of the heels clicking, Caitlin looked up at spotted Pepper. Her eye's lit up at the sight of her mother. An adrenaline of excitement rushing through her.]

Caiti: "Mom! Hey, is dad back, yet?"

Tony looked down, as the classmates of Alfea soften their eyes at Caitlin.

[Pepper's eyes soften before she slowly walked towards her.]

Pepper: "Honey, there's been a problem... It might take a little longer."

Caiti: "Oh... Um that's fine then, I can wait that long." [Caitlin smiled before going back to the hologram]

[Pepper sighs, before taking her hands.]

Pepper: "Caitlin, sweetie, I'm sorry, but your father is missing." [Caitlin pauses for a second before looking at her with wide eyes. Caitlin slowly shakes her head in denial.]

Caitlin: "No, no. He's... He's Tony Stark! He's gonna come back, I know it." [Caitlin's eyes tear up before she put a hand over her mouth, talking to herself.] "He's be back. He'll be back. He'll be back."

Pepper: "Caitlin.."[ Pepper softly whispers, she's about to bring her into a hug when Caitlin runs off.] "Caitlin! Sweetheart!" [Caitlin run's all the way to her room and shuts the door. Leaning her back on it.]

Sky looks at Caitlin, sadly. For a girl who isn't biologically related to her parents. She is really close to her dad.

[Caitlin slowly fell to the floor, her back onto the door, while she sat there, tears spilling her cheek as she cried. She curled herself up to a ball as the screen faded]

Bloom's dace turned into a sad one. In those 3 months, Caitlin avoided all contact, even Bloom herself. Bloom had to leave several voice messages for her. Tony shook his head, he was suppose to be there for her.


[Caitlin was seen on one of the chairs by the huge window. Looking out, as she was curled up into a ball. It had been a few weeks and she hadn't taken care of herself, properly. She heard a muffled voice through the other side of the door. Caitlin got up and walked towards the door, opening it slightly so she could hear what was going on, with leaning her head on the door.]

Pepper: "Please tell me you found something?" [Pepper was pacing around in the living room talking into her phone, not aware that Caitlin was listening.]

Rhodes: "Nothing, nada." [Pepper sighed and closed her eyes in worry.]

Tony shook his head. He was suppose to be there, with his daughter. Sky looked at Caitlin sadly, he knew she had gone through a lot, but this way over kill.

Rhodes: "How's Caitlin?" [Pepper shook her head]

Pepper: "Rhodey, she isn't eating anything at all. She's getting worse and worse, day by day, she won't eat, drink, nothing."

The girls and boy looked at the screen longingly, Caitlin had to go through all that, alone. With no one to help or understand her.

Rhodes: "We'll find him, Pepper."

Pepper: "Well find him alive... I don't know what's going to happen to Caitlin if you don't."

Rhodes: "I will."

Pepper: "Good luck-" [Rhodey declined as Pepper put her phone back in her pocket with a sigh. Caitlin was still leaning by a door, as a small tear made it's way down towards her cheek. She turned around only to bump into a vase set in her room, falling down with a crash. Caitlin gasped as she put a hand on her mouth.]

Pepper: "Caitlin?" [Caitlin glanced at the door before looking down at the vase.] "Caiti? Sweetheart?" [Pepper opened the door and found Caitlin sat where she was originally sat before, she looked at the floor, and found it completely clean, no specs, no nothing.]

"How did she do that?"

[Pepper sighed before closing the door behind her gently, and slowly walking towards her with a small sad face. She sat on a chair, opposite to Caitlin, where she was still gazing out of the window.]

Pepper: "Caitlin..." [She whispered softly, as Caitlin out a hand on her necklace.]

Caitlin: "He's not coming back... Is he?" [She looked at her, tears in her eyes.]

At the sight, Tony clenched his jaw and tightened his fist. 

Pepper: "Oh, honey, come here." [Pepper brought Caitlin into a hug before tears begin to fall onto her shoulder.


Pepper was just about to go down to the lab when J.A.R.V.I.S alerted her.

J.A.R.V.I.S: "Ms Pots, you must get to Ms Starks bedroom immediately. Her heart beat is increasing, fast." [Pepper pauses before rushing towards Caitlin's bedroom. She looks around wide-eyed seeing her throwing things every where around as she shakes her head.]

Caitlin: "I can't find it."

Everyone looked at the screen confused.

Pepper: "Can't find what? Sweetheart what are you looking for?"

Caitlin: "The necklace dad gave me!" [Pepper took a hold of her shoulders]

Everyone looked at the screen wide eyed before looking around her neck, only to find the necklace gone.

Pepper: "Sweetheart, we'll find it, don't worry." [She hugs her, before Caitlin takes a hold of her as well]

Caitlin: "He promised he would come back..."

Pepper: "I know sweetheart, I know.." [Pepper try's not to cry as she holds her into her arms.]

Hello my lovely's!

The next chapter is Tony coming back since I cannot bear to see Caitlin in this state anymore. 😭

Anyways- Peace out!

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