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Hello there readers

I know it has been a long time since I updated, but please bear with me

I recently took a downturn in my grades, so I have to focus more on school work rather than updating my stories. I am very sorry for this, I've been working on 4 parts of What the CPs Think of You and it's very stressful

Especially at 11 pm lol

I will get into the swing of updating soon, I promise


ok so my parents found out my bad grades. So apparently I can't use my computer for like 3 weeks. AND I can't even look at my phone for the whole day, only at school (but we can't even fucking use it)

It's called having asian parents :')

So yeah I'll have to update on late nights for now, damn my life is falling apart


Creepypasta Zodiacs [HIATUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang