Chapter Twelve: Face Your Fears

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Chrissy was checked out. She couldn't stop thinking about all that had happened yesterday. Was she sure that this is what she wanted? Why was she second guessing everything? The last few days were a whirlwind, sure. She was happy but, "wait," she said aloud. "That's it," she thought. "I'm happy. There!" That was all that really mattered, she was the happiest that she had been in a long time.

Chrissy wasn't surprised that she hadn't seen Eddie yet in school. She noticed that he often showed up late or not at all. She scanned the halls for him as she walked to her next class, no sign. However, someone else was waiting for her outside of her next class. Jason. Her chest tightened.

"Hi, Jason," she said with a shaky voice.

"I wanted to tell you first." Jason couldn't even look at her. This pained Chrissy. "Eddie Munson is going to get what he deserves. So he better watch his back."

This time, Jason stared directly into Chrissy's eyes as he warned her of what's to come. This enraged Chrissy. Jason walked past her and she could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Why don't I have a say in any of this?" Chrissy called out. She surprised herself at that moment. Jason stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly only to stare at Chrissy with eyes narrowed in her direction.

"A say in this?" He began to walk towards her. "Chris, you've had your say. You chose him over me." Jason pointed at his chest aggressively. "You chose that asshole," Jason's finger now pointed in Chrissy's direction.

Chrissy could feel her blood boiling.

"He is not an asshole! Maybe if you took the time to actually get to know people instead of just worrying about yourself and your image you would see that!" Chrissy exclaimed as she stepped towards Jason. He tilted his head in confusion.

"I swear, it's like I don't even know who you are anymore," he scoffed while he looked her up and down.

"No, Jason. You never knew who I actually was from the start." Chrissy swiftly turned her heel and walked into her classroom. She sat down and exhaled. It felt good. It felt good to stand up for herself and who she cared about. She smirked as she sat back in her desk and crossed her arms. Everything that she thought that she had known or loved about Jason quickly faded away. The love was gone and while Chrissy did feel disappointed, more than anything she felt liberated.

Someone quickly ran past the classroom which caught Chrissy's eye. Eddie ran back in the other direction and stopped abruptly in the hallway outside of her class. He flailed his arms for her to come into the hall. The entire class was staring at Eddie and then back at Chrissy with confusion. She smiled awkwardly and tiptoed into the hall. They took a few steps away from the doorway to talk in private. Chrissy looked up at the clock in the hall, the bell was about to ring.

"Hi!" Eddie exclaimed.

"Hi," Chrissy couldn't help but laugh. "You called me out of class to say hi to me?" she questioned him jokingly.

"Yeah. No, wait no no." Eddie was frazzled and she picked up on it. She actually thought that it was pretty adorable.

"Are you okay?" she asked him.

"I'm more than okay," he assured her with a smile. "I have to ask you something." She looked into his chocolate button eyes as they stared back at her. "Chrissy," Eddie fiddled with his rings. "I can't deny how I have felt within the past week." Chrissy grabbed his hand to try to calm him down. "This all seems so crazy and so fast. But it feels so right! My friends think that I've lost my mind and I couldn't agree more." Chrissy looked at him confused. "I'm crazy for you, Chrissy Cunningham. Will you be my girl?" Eddie pursed his lips trying to hide a huge smile. Chrissy leapt into his arms and hung onto Eddie's neck. Surprised, he caught her and stepped back but remained staring deep into her eyes.

"Of course I will, Eddie Munson," she said excitedly and kissed him. Chrissy's entire class was now standing in the doorway watching from down the hall in complete shock.

"Oooh!" some people screeched enthusiastically. Chrissy and Eddie both laughed.

"I'm going to take you out on that date tonight." Eddie pointed at her and winked as he began to walk away as the bell rang. Chrissy waved shyly and headed back to class. She felt on top of the world. Eddie walked proudly toward his class and couldn't help but to let out a, "wooh!"

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