Chapter Eleven: Slim's Say

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The next morning, Eddie arrived at the auto shop where his friend Slim worked. Slim was a couple of years older than Eddie. He had bleach blonde hair and stood 6'4" and well, he was slim. Slim's Dad owned the shop so he was set for life.

"Well, what did you get yourself into this time Munson?" Slim threw his greased up rag at Eddie's chest.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Eddie laughed.

"Try me," Slim said sarcastically. Eddie sat down on a nearby stool as Slim replaced his driver's side rear tire.

"I've been hanging out with this girl..."

"What else is new?" Slim cut him off.

"Nah man, this girl is different."

"Mmhmm, go on."

"She gets me man. You know how hard it is for people to get me."

"That I do." Slim loosened the lug nuts.

"She has the best smile and a laugh that's out of this world."

"I'm gonna puke," Slim whispered as he proceeded to the next issue.

"She's blonde and captain of the cheerleading team."

"Keep talking." Slim rolled out from under the van and was now looking at Eddie.

"It's Chrissy Cunningham," Eddie said proudly.

"Man, quit fucking with me." Slim waved his rag at Eddie and went back to working on the tire.

Eddie laughed, "I'm serious!"

He rolled back out to look at Eddie, "you're serious?"

"Deadly," Eddie replied.

"Well shit, then I guess that this is pretty boy Jason's work." Slim gestured to the van with his wrench.

"That it is, that it is." Eddie said while pacing up and down the van while checking out the damage.

"How did you manage bagging her?"

"We just...clicked," Eddie stared off into the distance.

"Again, I'm gonna puke."

"I know, I know. The old me would shake the ever living shit out of myself but I really like her, man."

"Well shit, then I'm happy for you." Slim lit a cigarette and offered one to Eddie.

"Nah, I'm good," Eddie put up his hand.

"Damn dude, this broad has really got a hold on you." Slim squinted his eyes at Eddie.

"I donno," Eddie kicked around a screw on the ground.

"What is there not to know? It's Chrissy Cunningham."

"It's just moving pretty fast and I don't want to mess this up." Eddie replied.

"Who are you!?" Slim threw his rag at Eddie again this time hitting him square in the face. "Moving fast is what you do, man. I've seen you dump girls for not moving fast enough."

Eddie paced back and forth. "No, you're right. But I told you, she's different."

"Dude, I can't deal with you right now. Come back later and pick up your damn van." Slim stood there with his greasy hands on his hips.

Eddie laughed, "whatever man, I'll catch you later."

Eddie started to head back to his uncle's trailer. He looked at his watch, it was only 10:34 AM. It was a school day but Eddie didn't care, and quite frankly, it's not like his uncle would care. His uncle trusted him, for the most part. He had been taking care of Eddie since he was 12. The fridge was always stocked and he always had a bed to sleep on, what more could he ask for? His uncle was pretty easy going. He gave Eddie his freedom as long as he followed his one and only rule, "don't get caught."

Eddie walked into the trailer to his uncle sitting on the couch with a beer watching television.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" His uncle asked as he took a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, I should." Eddie rummaged through the refrigerator and grabbed a Coke. He sat down next to his uncle and put his feet up on the coffee table.

He looked at Eddie and rolled his eyes, "Dammit it, Eddie".

"What!" he replied, annoyed.

"Do you really want to repeat senior year, again?"

"Nah, this is my year. I can feel it," Eddie stared past the television.

His uncle looked at him, "whatever," finished his beer, and crushed it on the coffee table. Eddie looked down at the crushed can and then the wall clock. It was 11:23, he jumped to his feet.

"Where are you off to now, boy?"

"School," Eddie looked at his uncle and shut the front door behind him.

"I can't keep up with this kid." His uncle lowered his hat and shut his eyes.

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