Dreaming down

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Sorry if there's any bad errors or grammar! I TRY MY BEST BUT I GET BRAIN FARTS. ENJOY!!!!

A mysterious woman stood tall as her large hands gently braided the small part of the young boy's blonde hair. The woman let out a sigh as she placed a flower in his beautiful golden hair receiving a warm smile from the young boy. The woman placed her hand on the boy's cheek as the boy gently grabbed his mother's hand, the woman kissed the boy on the head. "You look amazing, are you ready?" The woman asked with a soothing and gentle voice. The boy's smile grew bigger on his face as he responded "I don't know" The boy chuckled to himself as he looked down. "Now raise your chin high boy, You look absolutely stunning." The woman replied with as she raised her son's chin up with her hand. "Be yourself. The show must go on, is that not right?" The lady said with a laugh as the boy smiled at her and ran off as he soon disappeared into a hall. "That's my Tommy.." the mysterious woman said as she smiled.

Who is Tommy? Who was Tommy?

Tommy was seen as a troublesome foolish kid who only cause trouble for everyone and himself. War and chaos all around the server with enemies all around, Sides you had to choose, Allies and traitors. There was always some type of threath that caused destruction, the biggest threat was the creator of the smp. Tommy saw it all when he first became apart of a nation when he was 7, all the years of watching everyone fall, die or win. The years of torture he faced in exile and the days he spent knowing he was better off of the face of the server. Now something was different, he seemed happier? But with who and why?

The floor covered with chunks of white hair, Tommy held the scissors up high to a white streak in his hair as he began cutting again but as the clump of hair fell on the ground the white streak began to grow back. Tommy threw the scissors on the ground as his red eyes began to fill up with tears once again. Tommy fell backwards on the ground as he began to cry as he hid his face with his hands. Tommy's tears began to hit the ground he felt the coldness of the room as he found it trouble to breath. Shit..shit..fuck..fuck... Tommy can remember the heat from the lava and the rocky obsidian below his feet. He can remember that laugh before taking his finale breath. Tommy laid down as he forced himself to stay awake, Tommy's eyes slowly began to close as he drifted off into a sleep.

-                                      ***                                     -

Tommy could hear a woman crying. Her mourns were clear but yet so far away, Tommy looked around in a pitch black void. He began to tear up and began to panic. He felt a touch on his back, someone held him closely but he didn't know who and couldn't turn around. There hand gently patted there hair back as Tommy began to tear up again. This touch was something knew, it felt like someone truly loved him. He felt the person hold him closely, the person began to speak but in a language Tommy couldn't understand. Tommy slowly turned around but opened his eyes quickly.

-                                      ***                                     -

Tommy stood up from the ground in a hurry, he looked around to see the scissors and his white hair in the ground. It was just a dream but it felt so real. Tommy got up and walked out his bathroom leaving it dirty. Tommy walked towards his bed and slumped on it, Tommy gripped his pillow and held it close to his chest. He'd wondered what it would feel like to have that. The dream felt like someone cared for him but why did it have to be a dream. Tommy's eyes began to fill up with tears as he silently cried.


679 words

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