"Right. Like, some of the kids are talking about the crushes they have on teachers. I hope they ain't the ones talking about the teachers."

"I could not see what they saw in those teachers. Do you have a favorite teacher?"

He went on to ask most of the questions. I didn't mind honestly. You don't know exactly what to talk about when you first meet someone. Soon, asking and answering questions won't be as awkward. We walked and talked our way to the class we needed to get to. I knocked on the door and was greeted with an angry face. "Avalia, why are you so late? You're never this late to class."

"I lost track of time, sorry." I went to sit next to my friends, while Michael went in and got what he needed. He waved at me before leaving back out.

My friend nudged me. "You know Michael?"

"I just met him. You know him?"

"A lot of people know him. You've really never known him after all these years?"

"Nope, but he's cool," I stated.

"Cool?" Mal questioned. "I think he's fine."

"Agreed." My other friend added. "Do you not think so?"

"I don't know yet. He's nice, though. He said my name was pretty. So, that made me happy." I pulled out my notebook. "But I still have work to do."


"This is why we can't have nice things," Kyra stated, her hand rubbing her forehead. Our stubborn teacher finally let us do something by ourselves, and someone immediately almost burned the school down. "I know that you know those two don't go together."

He shrugged. "At least I have an "if, then" statement now."

"You could've done that without filling the whole room with smoke."

I could hear the bell ringing in between their rebuttals. "Kyra, you better come on, because I need to get home and you're about to get left."

"Okay, okay." 

We walked out of the classroom, and Kyra was struggling to keep up with me. I always walked fast when I was in the hallways, because I know what it's like to be behind someone who walks slow. "Why the fuck are you walking so fast?" Kyra spoke, out of breath. 

"Because I'm desperate to get out of here, and the halls get crowded if you wait for too long."

"Where do you need to be since you're so desperate?" 

"I don't need to be anywhere, I just want to go home. I'm just glad we only have almost two months left of this. Then finals, graduation, and the start of the rest of my life." 

"You're forgetting prom," She sang, nudging me. "you have to find someone to go with. I'm not going without you there." 

"I appreciate that, but you have your boyfriend, you'll be alright. I wasn't thinking of going anyway." 

"Please," She begged. "It'll be fun! And a lot of people know you, so you won't be alone there! I'll be with you too." 

"Most of the people that'll be there have a date with them. I'm not gonna third wheel behind over 70 people. Unless someone magically pops up and asks to date me, I'm not going to prom. Make sure you bring your camera, though. I know you'll look pretty." 

She sighed. "I can never convince you to do anything." 

"You will one day, but today isn't that day." 

We walked out of the school doors and to my house. We agreed on studying at my house and also hanging out there. On the way to my house, I saw Michael ahead of us, walking to his house with a few other people. Kyra noticed him too. "Hey, It's Michael." She spoke. "Hey, Michael!"

He looked around, trying to spot who called his name. He saw Kyra and I and waved. "Hello! Hey, Avalia!" 

"Hey! I didn't know you lived right next to me!" I called back out. 

"Oh, you know Michael?" Kyra asked. "I'll leave you to this. I'll be waiting for you on the porch." She walked to my house, while I walked closer to Michael.  

"I didn't know either." He put his hand on his neck. "Sorry for being so loud. My brothers and I play basketball. Sometimes we swim in the pool." 

"Nah, it's alright. I'm loud sometimes too. I practice boxing outside." 

"I thought I saw you!" He exclaimed. "I always saw someone outside and their arms were moving so fast it was almost like a blur. But I can barely hear you, just the punching bag." 

"Mike! Why you ain't in the house yet? We still gotta play this match!" A man called out from the door of his house. 

"I'm talking to someone, Randy! Hold on!" He turned to look at him, and then back at me. "Sorry about him. He's been getting real out of hand since summer's almost here." 

"It's okay. You can't blame him, though. I can't wait for summer either. But, it looks like he really wants to do that match and I have someone still waiting for me too. So, I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, I'll see you around." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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