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Encino, California. 
Friday, 1976.

I twirled the phone cord in a rhythmic motion around my finger, using my other hand to adjust my shirt and sitting back on the bed, taking in the last few minutes of relaxation before I had to leave. "--Yeah girl. Mrs. Wilson has been getting on my last nerve. She talkin' about some "It's your responsibility to get to school." like, come on."

I scoffed. "Don't get mad at her. You're never really at school anyways. Those 45 absences have your name on them."

"Oh, look at you. You sucking up to teachers now? That's what you're doing?"

"No, I'm just telling you that you're never at school, and your excuses are stupid. I know you didn't spend any time on them. "I had to walk my fish." I mocked her.

"I did!" She exclaimed, defending herself.

"Really? How?"

"The tank had wheels on it!"

"You know you lying, but okay. When are you gonna come to school though?" I asked. Yeah, we play around, but I still miss her.

"I have no idea. I do know that it's past the time you should be at school. You staying home today?"

"Wait--" I looked over at my clock. It was about twenty minutes past the time I should've walked into school. "Oh, shit. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later." I spoke quickly, hanging up the phone. I picked up my bag and rushed out the door, not knowing if any of the books I needed were in there.

Fortunately, I walk to school. Unfortunately, even though I'm close to the school it still takes a reasonable amount of time to walk there. Speedwalking to school meant things I'd do on a day I wasn't late had to be skipped. Walking with my friends and going places before school started, or catching up on things I needed to do. This year is important, so I can't slip up like this.

After what seemed like hours, I made it to the buzzer, pressing it to let one of the staff know I needed to get in. I saw the custodian, Ms. Marsh, look my way and soon open the door. "What're you doing here so late, Avalia?"

"I lost track of time, but I gotta go! Sorry!" I apologized, brushing past her and making my way to my first class. That was another thing that I'd have to miss since I was late.

After finally making it to my class, I knocked on the door only for my fist to almost land on someone's face. I put my fist down. "Sorry. Are you new here? I never saw you in this class before."

"Oh, no. I'm not new. I've been here since freshman year. You've never seen me in English before?" He asked.

My eyes move up to the numbers on the doorframe. Of course, I go to the wrong classroom. "I've probably never seen you before because this isn't my first class—"

"Michael, why on earth are you standing at the door talking to another student? You're missing the education you need!" The teacher scolded. "Either stay in or go out."

I moved out of his way. "Sorry for holding you up. I have to get to my class, anyway."

He, who I now knew as Michael, closed the door behind him. "It's alright. Uh," He paused, thinking of conversation. "What's your name?"

We both started to walk because we had somewhere to be. "Avalia," I answered. "I heard your name was Michael?"

"Yeah. I like your name, it sounds pretty." He complimented. Before I could thank him, he asked another question. "What's your first class?"

"World History. I don't even know how I got English messed up with History. Where are you headed?"

"The teacher told me to get something from World History. People keep telling me how my teacher and the World History teacher got somethin' going on. Even if they did, why should they be concerned about it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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