New Company

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You sat in the attic where Boss Baby decided to make the company for now, all the Field mission members were on a mission, you were supposed to go but didn't feel like it 

So you stayed behind working, organizing and it was peaceful until they came back...

"This calls for cupcakes" Tina said yelling "Tina, we can't afford cupcakes, actually we can't even afford to be having this conversation, were broke" 

"Broke, how" Boss Baby piped in "that one mission completely wiped out our entire operating budget, you spent to all the money on random stuff for the mission" 

"no you're reading it wrong" Tina said grabbing the clipboard "we just earned baby love"

"but we still need money to operate" "money, ha, who cares about money" "you stop talking right now" Boss baby said arguing with Tina 

When they stopped Tina's dad came up to the attic "you have visitors" 

A bunch of babies in hazmat suits came and handed Tina a paper 

"reclaiming property for lack of payment, they can do that" she asked but the babies started taking all the desks, monitors, chupies, chairs, everything was gone 

You all stood in an office empty attic "convinced yet" Boss Baby asked Tina and they both ran down stairs 

You saw pip just standing there and you walked over to him "hi dino buddy" "Hiii y/n, thank you for calling me your dino buddy" you smiled 

Boss Baby and Tina came back saying something about cheapskates, you continued to talk to pip 

"so what are we gonna do up here" he asked you and you shrugged your shoulders 

"i know, we'll be dino's" he said  getting up pretending to fly you laughed at him and joined him pretending to fly 

Hours passed playing with Pip and chatting you didn't even go on the mission and neither did he, you hung out all day until it was time for bed 

"it was fun hanging out with you y/n" "you too pip" you both said watching all the babies get ready for bed in your pj's 

"goodnight pip" you said "goodnight y/n, dino buddy" you smiled and laid down falling asleep~

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