Very Bad Baby

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You sat with Crispin on a call with the Luxes

"lovely to chat with you too, Mr.pull-string" Crispin said as you watched them talk 

"i assume you've brought something for the bank" he said 

"hello, you know it" one of the Luxes said "peep these baby hate numbers" they said as you saw a chart of a LOT of baby hate 

"Mr.tigglesnooks, please check today's exchange rate for baby hate and transfer the appropriate earning's to baby corp's account" he said and that cat was talking back 

"is there a problem with the numbers" the baby said on the computer 

"i assure you, we made a lot of people really hate babies" she said sounding really confident 

"no, they're still cross with me for making baby love worthless and paying for baby hate instead, they think its a risky investment and kittens hate risk" he said looking at the phone 

"other than climbing on tall tree's, frolicking on narrow edges and aggravating larger dogs, so shall we stop moaning and play by my rules in my stolen bank Mr.tigglesnooks" he said yelling at the cat, you've never heard him yell...

"ah, so generous we thank you and our CEO thanks you" they said 

"well you've earned it, throwing all your former clients under the tricycle tires" he said seeming relived 

"the game has changed, and we always back the winners you can't run a business working for free" they said 

"well said, i will see you later" Crispin said before hanging up and you waved 

"well, what do we do now" you said looking around in this big office 

"we wait till it's our time to strike" he said before seeing a call from someone new on his computer 

He answered and it was Boss Baby and Tina "well hello play friends what brings you too call me" he said with a smirk 

"well we have an offer" Boss Baby said with a sigh "well hit me" Crispin said folding his hands together

"we will shut down our company, for you to give the bank back" they both said and you were surprised, were they that desperate?

"hm, no" Crispin said "What" Boss Baby yelled "what about you y/n" 

You looked at him with a wide smile "nope" Boss Baby still looked stunned 

"you win, we quit business ruined" she said and Crispin only smirked 

"a well placed hornets nest could have ruined your business, i was hired to ruin the two of you" he said with a smirk 

"professionally, personally, utterly" he said and you smiled 

"what nonsense performance metric is that, how would you know when the jobs done" Boss Baby said yelling  

"i can tell you precisely when the jobs done, when i watch the last tiny spark of hope flicker, and drain away from your weeping eyeballs, then our game is over, till then friends" he said hanging up 

"they seem desperate" you said looking over at Crispin "well they do what they can to stop my game" he said with a smirk 

You both looked at the computer, it was baby hate it was rising, a whole lot!!

"ready another hate payout, baby corps been so very busy" he said and the cat said something 

"what do you mean its not baby corp, who is it" he said and you looked at him, who would be causing baby hate?

You both started a call with the Luxes and the CEO to see what was happening 

It was Boss Baby? why would he be causing baby hate 

"so what are we to do with this new prince of naughtiness" he said and admired him 

"if Boss Baby wishes to suck up all the baby hate, we must tie a knot in his twisty slurp straw" the Luxes said before being off to stop him 

You watched as Crispin worked "if you took a picture it would last longer" he said not even looking at you "what" you said embarrassed laying your head down, hiding it  

He only laughed at your antics "its okay, i'd do the same but i'm working" he said

You wanted him to stop working, so how were you going to do it...

"you know Crispin, i think you are the real prince of naughtiness" you said referring to what he said earlier 

"well, that must make you my princess" he said and you did nothing but blush 

He was a hard one to get to stop working but you believed you could

"Crispin, what if we go take a tour of the bank, yeah" you said sitting on the edge of your seat 

"I've already seen everything i need to see" he said and you sighed 

You scooted your chair very close to his, laying you head on his shoulder the best you could 

"are you that desperate for attention" he said looking down at you FINALLY

"no..." you said and he patted your head "well i can take a little break for you" he said and you crawled into his lap 

"oh no" he said and you looked up to see money being transferred to Mayonnaise company?

 "i'm sorry y/n" he said getting up and you off his lap "it's okay..." you said bummed out running to the train with him 

When the train stopped in the lobby he was the first to run out and you right after 

"don't you transfer that money, Mr.tigglesnooks" he said and the cat must have been arguing 

"i don't car how much hate he earned, i-i want to change the rules again" he said but the cat still denied 

"no, i do not have a form Z2427 filled out, nor do i have time for-" he said but being cut off by the cat paying the mayo company 

Crispin yelled out in distress, you've never seen him so stressed out or even yell, he grabbed your arm taking you back to his office calling the Mayonnaise company 

"well, aren't you all happy" Crispin said "aw, did you not get to see the hope draining from these eyes, you sure, look closer, i'm still a happy peeper" she said in a baby voice 

"Tina, we don't care" you said with mockery in your voice and she looked surprised  

"hmm, yes very amusing eyeball, you do know we're never going to stop" he said and you saw Boss Baby come in 

"i love games with my play friends, i could carry on forever so how many times do you think you can beat me" "as many as we have to" Boss Baby said 

"ah, but what if i made it only once, what if i offered you, one. final. game, for keepsies" he said before hanging up

He looked at you and handed you a chupie "one more game, and i'm all yours" you smiled 

"one more, promise" you said with a pinkies promise "promise" he said locking pinkies and you both teleported out of their~

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