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               Tao and Megumi was jogged together on the late evening on their neighbourhood area. Exo's song suddenly played on the air. Tao then quickly take his phone from his trouser pocket. "Hey,someone is calling me just now. And it's Xiumin."

                "Oh..Okay. Answer your phone then." Megumi said to him.

                "Hello.. What's up?" Tao answered his phone.

                 "Hello too. Bad news Tao. She said she want to meet you at Japan." Xiumin told him,but his sound worry.

                 "What..? What happen? Who is coming to Japan?"

                 "Song Hye-rim. She force me and Lay to accompany her going to Japan."

                  "What..?! She did..?"Tao yelled. His face change to show of anger.Megumi was surprise to see him.

                "We are already arrived.Now we're at Japan International Airport. But,she still didn't know where you live. We still keep it as secret. By the way,I've to leave now. We meet at the Starbuck that we used to meet before." Xiumin gradually hang out his phone to avoid from seeing by Hye-rim.

                 Tao's face show of anger. He didn't said any words after he hang out his phone.

               "Hey..What happen? Are you alright?" Megumi asked him.

               "Yeah.. Well,let get home early today. Cause I need to meet Xiumin and Lay after this. Tao smiled at her. Megumi only nodded to show she agree with Tao.



             It was 7: 30 p.m,Tao,keep turning his head around inside the Starbuck to search for Xiumin and Lay. His eyes then catches the figure of Lay and Xiumin sitting on the same seat as before. He move his steps toward them.

            "Hey.. How was Hye-rim know I've move to Japan?"Tao gradually asked them as he approach them.

               "I'm sorry Tao. I'm the one who make she know about it. I tweet the picture that we take before,then she saw it." Lay give a small nodded to Tao.

              "Fined.. Now where she is..?"

              "She is at her aunt's house. She decided to stay there. And now we decided to stay at your house." Xiumin asked permission from Tao to stay at his house.

              "Okay.. You can stay on my house. But,don't let her know my address till I want you to let her know."

               "She have her own reason to meet you,Tao."

               "Tell me what her reason,Xiumin. Don't she think her boy will get mad at her if she decided to make this stupid decision ?"

               "Sorry,she didn't tell us about that."

                The image of Hye-rim suddenly come up in Tao's mind. An image of a girl with fair skin,long black hair,cherry-lips and a little bit taller than Megumi. The don't denied that Hye-rim is beautiful and he sometimes think about her.

UNEXPECTEDLY IT WAS YOU (TAO EXO~fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now