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               "Mum,I'm getting out."

              "Make sure you'll be home before it's getting too dark outside."

              "Alright,mum." Megumi wear her shoes and suddenly her grandmother came to her.

               "Omm.. I happy to see you getting out for a date,Megumi-Chan."Megumi's face suddenly blushy.

               "I'm not having date,grandma. I'm just going to the library with Tao. I want to teach him to speak in Japanese."Megumi answered her grandmother.

                "Your face getting red now. I think he look suit with him. He even save you from a group of thugs a few days ago."

                "Oh..Grandma. We only friend. By the way,I'm going out now. Bye."

                 Megumi open the door and saw Tao standing in front of her house. He wear a dark blue cloths and black trouser .

                "He look so great like this."Megumi monologue.

               Tao look at Megumi and praise her dress up. "You look so beautiful. I like your shirt." Megumi smiled to him.


                They walk together side by side to the bus stop next to the grocery. There is not much people at the bus stop,only them and two girl. One of the girl that wear short pant keep looking at Tao. She thought Megumi is Tao's girlfriend,then she move her sight from Tao.




                After they arrived at the library,Megumi saw Yoshihiro sitting next to a beautiful girl. Megumi do not denied that the girl look more beautiful than her. She even have a long straight hair. But,she feel like she once has saw the girl before. Yoshihiro didn't notice that Megumi was looking at him.

                  "Hey..Megumi where are we going to sit..?"

                  "Ah... Wait.. I guess over there on the window-seat."

                  "Okay. I'll wait for you there."

                  "Fine. I'm going to take some book first."

                  As  Megumi walk to the cupboard next to where Yoshihiro sit,she keep looking at him and tried to make him didn't notice about her. Tao realize that Megumi is pointing her eyes to Yoshihiro since they enter the library.

                 "I guess that must be Yoshihiro.Well,he already have a girlfriend. Well,he got a good-looking face,not like what William had told me before." Tao monologue.

                 Megumi then come to the window-seat where she used to sit with Tao. She bring a few books with her. She bring some comics which are written in Japanese,the  book is written by her favourite writer, Hayao Miyazaki.

               "Okay.. Let start doing our lesson. I start to teach you Japanese by using this comic book,I think it is more easy."

              "Fine. Uhmm..Can I asked you something?"


              "Does someone ever said that they love you?"

             "What..?" Megumi's face blushy.

              "Nothing. Forget about it. Let start."

              Although Megumi is sitting next  Tao,but she still trying to hear what Yoshihiro and the girl talking about.

              "That's great,darling. You really clever than me,no wonder you are one of the best student in your school. How about this question? Can you help me how to answer this..?" Megumi point her eyes as she hear the girl start to talk with Yoshihiro.

             "I'm not as clever as you think. Since,I love to spend my time by doing some research on internet,that's why I can answer really good in the exam." Yoshihiro try to praise himself. "Dear,summer holiday is still long,I plan to bring to to spend our summer holiday at our private island. What do think about it?"

               "Great. Mum gonna agree for that." The girl then give Yoshihiro an hug.

                Megumi look at the couple silently and her eyes show of anger. "Liar.. He's a liar. He told me that,he love Fumio,but the truth he already have a girlfriend. Luckily,Fumio is not his girlfriend." Megumi said. Tao turn his head to see Megumi after he hear Megumi said such words.

                "See. He doesn't deserve for you. You should be with someone better." Tao said to Megumi.

                "How did you know that I love him? Did William told you?" Tao look at Megumi's eyeball. They making eye contact. Megumi's face turn blushy and so are Tao.

                "Ooppss.. Yeah.." Tao then move his sight from looking right to Megumi's eyeball. He turn his sight toward Yoshihiro and his girl. "Hey,they are going to leave."

               Megumi gradually look at Yoshihiro and his girlfriend. Unintentionally, Yoshihiro look at Megumi and they making eyes contact. As Yoshihiro saw Tao sit next to Megumi he give a sidelong glance to them and leave.




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