Family matters

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WARNING ⚠️: May not be suitable for young readers, contains vulgar language and sexual expressions, Thank you!

We finally got to bring our baby home and luckily our nursery was set up Chibs took River the moment we stepped inside but he took a look at Tully and turned around to put River to bed. "So um.. dad this is our place; and um Chibs is here a lot but that's what happens when you adopt someone and cate for them I suppose, come on in." I stepped aside and when to grab him something to drink then sat down to rest a second as Chibs walked back out and cleared his throat," Hey everything okay?" I asked and he gestured that River need food and a change, "Oh okay I'll be back." As I walked to the nursery and closed the door.

"Look Tully I know we ain't suppose ta have issues but if you break her heart and leave her again I'll kill ya." I'm pissed he's aloud back after being gone for so long but it's Athena's dad so I understand, I just want her happy. I walked to the kitchen to grab a beer and half way I heard the front door slam shut, "Shit, this ain't gonna be good." I whispered to myself as Athena came out asking where Tully went and I pointed to the door.

I ran outside catching him before he left my drive," WHERE ARE YOU GOING DAD?" He glared and I started to cry, "What happened I don't understand you were doing so well please come back inside." He shook his head and put a piece of paper out the window towards me. "What's this; dad you can't leave again." However he drive off anyway so I went back to tend to my baby, I walked passed Chibs I knew what had happened but I didn't feel like yelling right now.

Later on the phone with Kozik

A- "I don't understand I lefted them both for like two minutes and the next thing I know I'm going outside to stop him from leaving."

K- "Well baby I'm sure it will work itself out but you gotta know and understand from Chibs eye's, hunny he adopted you and took you in when Tully wasn't in the picture; all honesty babe I thought Daniel Graceland was your dad I had no idea you were adopted by him first."

A- "I don't care what anyone thinks River is Tully's grand-daughter too Kozik. "

Call line goes silent as she ends call

"Fuck man!" He said as he sat with the club outside of a warehouse they all had to meet up at, Chibs put his hand on my shoulder the headed forward and I just followed in after him.
The whole time my mind couldn't let go of what Athena said but she wasn't wrong River was also Tully's grand-daughter, once we finished up here I went and had a chat with Chibs and honestly his views were fair but I know what I had to do.

Athena on the phone with Tully

T- "Athena I wouldn't blame tou if you hated me for being in your life now but never as a kid; however I'm trying to be the best I can."

A- "Dad I never said anything about that; I don't understand you were fine and the next thing I know I'm outside begging you to stay so what gives?"

He inhaled as he prepared to tell her everything he wanted to without crushing her.

T- "Sweetheart I'm not a good guy and I know you know that, shit I was in prison your whole life as a child and now your a mother; I don't think River needs me around besides I'm still up to my deals and shit with my crew I can't just leave that Athena but Chibs really does care about you clearly. Look I have loved you from the moment I got my first picture of you but I'm not a good person and I'm never gonna change you know that."

A- "Dad I'm not looking to get my father back but I want you around for River, I know she's just a baby but she loves you, dad I love you and you're family.
No matter what happens to us family matters and River needs you to be there for her just like Chibs, so set aside your differences with him because we don't turn our back on family anymore than we already have okay;  see you soon dad, I love you."

Athena hangs up and goes back to caring for River.
Will Tully come back and be a family man and AB caller all at once or his his brotherhood all that matters anymore?

Sorry it's so short I have plans this week and next week so I'll be out for a bit but I promise to try and think of more ideas; these chapters are getting shorter and to me less entertaining but if you stick around I'll do my best to fix it.

              ~Desi ♡

(See you again on June 19th, 2023)

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