Chapter 4

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Dracos pov:
It's been a week from they arrived home and I've been avoiding Ron like the plague. Everyone has tried to tell him as much as they can so that hopefully it'll jog his memory but nothing is working and he just keeps wanting to talk to me. He always asks did I love him but I can never answer as if I do I'll break down and won't stop crying. I already lost my mate and I do not plan to hurt myself again for him just to be broken when he leaves. He doesn't turn 18 for almost 8 months which is heart breaking as he will leave to go to the burrow where Molly lives plus he has a girlfriend who hangs off his arm every chance and I will not get my hopes up for it all to shatter when he leaves me for them. I have yet to leave my room today as it's the anniversary of the attack on the Weasley family even if they have all returned everyone has yet to fully return his body is here but the true him isn't here his soul and memories aren't here and neither is Arthur. I will not just let a corse of the boy I once knew walk around pretending to be my Ron because he's not and never will be. There have been many knocks and they all know why I refuse to leave as every year is the same I mourn the loss of my mate as I will never have him back not fully at least even though his brothers got their memories back they were all much older and knew more but he wasn't he won't get as much of his memory back he will get the bare minimum if anything at all which is cruel and makes me wanna scream. I heard another knock which is pissing me off so I throw my door open to see Ron standing there with his arm raised about to knock again. "What could you possibly want on one of the worst days of my life!" I shouted hoping he would walk away but he didn't he pushed me into the room. "Tell me! What were we like? Did we love each other? Did we even know what love is? Please I wanna know!" He pleaded with me asking me so many questions and I didn't know how to respond because no one has ever asked me to talk about Ron on this anniversary too afraid I'd crack. "You were my best friend! We would spend every waking hour with each other, this house belongs to my family the pack moved locations to here to join forces with the dragons not long after you were born so we met. My parents said they'd never seen such a connection between mates. They told it like this Arthur wanted to see how we would get on together or if we would even like each other since our families were at war with each others for centuries but the minute our eyes met we were reaching for each other and when they refused I wailed so loud in siren which is how most water creatures talk while still young. Mother had to take me to the water so no one would get hurt but I never stopped crying and screaming until you were brought to me and when we were placed beside each other we wrapped our arms around each other to the point no one could get us apart when needing fed they had to ask could they take me to give me food and even then only my parents were allowed me anyone else and you would growl and shouting until I was back with you." I concluded trying not to continue as that's my favourite story and one I don't mind sharing but I don't wish to share much more. "Is that all your willing to share?" He asked and I nodded so he smiled and stood and walked to the door. "If it makes you feel any better I know my younger self loved you very much." He told me before leaving and that's what broke me. I let the tears fall as that door closed and I sobbed I didn't care who heard me I just wanted my mate back.

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