18. The Voice-mail & The Punishment

Start from the beginning

Cause once again this is the chick that usually wears her whole heart on her sleeve we are talking about here. Aisha is emotional as fuck, so for her not to be so is just ain't right, you know?

I have no idea what's going on in her head right now, and I ain't even gonna front, it kind of scares me.

Cause I usually can read this girl like an open book.

But this whole mess with her mother, as much as I feel for her, I can't exactly say I can relate. Just cause of my own fucked up relationship with my own moms. And my deadbeat sperm donor of a father. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand one hundred percent how it feels like to have been abandoned by your own parent, but I can't relate mourning them if they died, especially if right before dying, them motherfuckers had tried to kidnap one of my kids. After something like this, I would say fuck them and celebrate their deaths instead of mourning them.

Aisha isn't like this, though, she ain't like me though, and I know that she must feel some type of way.

And it kills me that I can't get through to her and make her see the light right now, take some of her pain away.

And the very first thing the next morning, I unfortunately gotta leave for
the shoot of the No Love music video with Lil Wayne. Something that's been arranged months prior, long before this whole shithole of a situation happened.

"It's okay, Marshall, just go," Aisha whispers to me early on the morning when I wake her to let her know I have to leave, but also telling her imma cancel that shit and be there for her in a heartbeat.

Aisha then tells me that work is work and I should just go, and to remain a professional on set too.

I tell her I would.

But in the end, I couldn't do that shit however, even if my life depended on it.

Couldn't fucking commit.

I mean, yeah, I've learned over the years how to separate personal life and business, but right now, at this very moment, I'm just not able to.

All I can think about is how I would rather be at home with my damn girl, comforting her right now, and worry about what she must be currently going through.

During the videoshoot, I'm distracted as a motherfucker on set. Sidetracked.

I lip synk through my verses, moving from one point on the set of the music video to another like a robot.

Wayne and I have to film this one sequence where we both have to stand side-by-side to each other and rap, and we are completely out of sync with our movements, me literally just going through the motions to get it over with.

Apparently, a few days later, the footage of me and Wayne making the video would leak on YouTube.

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