28 - Free of that demonic disease

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" Done! " Minho exclaimed with his hands raised in the air. Jisung chuckled at his excited expression and placed the pastries in different plates.

Since they made more than necessary, they decided to share with seungjin as one hour seemed more than enough for them to make up or make out.. ?

" I'll clean the kitchen counter, you should go and ask seungjin if they want some pastries. " Minho nodded like an excited child ready to share sweets with their friends.

" Wait. " Jisung called him who looked at him in confusion. " Here, you got a little bit of cream. " He placed his hand on minho's cheek and swiped it off.
" Now go. "

Minho nodded a little dazed and walked out the kitchen.

" My poor eyes!!! " He yelled and Hyunjin flew away in a corner of the café while seungmin looked at him with wide eyes.

" What happened? " Jisung came out of the kitchen in a hurry. He eyed Hyunjin in a corner with his hand on his heart and a furiously blushing seungmin with unnaturally swollen lips.

" They were eating each other's faces in front of my holy pastries! " Jisung chuckled at his exaggeration.
" Come on Min, give them some privacy. " He pulled him towards the kitchen once again.

" Oh yeah and if you're still hungry, the pastries are ready. " He lastly added with a chuckle and pulled Minho inside.

" Did you see them sucking each other's faces? That was so gross! " Minho pulled a disgusted expression and a thought crossed Jisung's mind.

At first he thought Minho was exaggerating because it was his best friend kissing seungmin but now when Minho said it again, Jisung couldn't help but think that maybe Minho didn't like boys making out with each other.
As much as he hoped Minho was gay, it was getting difficult for Jisung to figure him out.

" Why? " Jisung asked as he placed himself on the barstool.

" Because it was Hyunjin, it's weird seeing your best friend with his tongue down someone's throat. " Minho cringed at the memory and Jisung let out a breath.

" So it wasn't because they both are boys? "

" What's wrong with boys kissing boys? " Minho questioned and took a seat beside Jisung.

" I thought you were homophobic. " Jisung whispered and felt guilty for assuming things.

" I'm bi Jisung. " Minho said without any sign of hatred.

" Oh you're bi?! I didn't know haha. " He followed by an awkward chuckle.

Stupid Jisung, always overthinking things.

He mentally scolded himself and extended the piece of cake towards Minho.
" What about you? If you don't mind me asking. "

" Oh I'm a raging gay. " Minho chuckled at how proudly Jisung announced his sexuality.

" Shall we eat this now? " Jisung nodded and they started eating. Soon enough seungjin joined them and together, the four of them shared stories and memories that made them happy and maybe sometimes sad. But nothing remained blue when they all laughed about their silly kindergarten stories.

At night

Jisung sighed as he plopped on his bed. Today was such a fun day. Not only did he get to spend time with Minho but he also helped Seungjin to sort things out.

He wished things would stay the same. He could spend time with Minho while being himself. No lies, no betrayal, just pure happiness.

His thoughts was shattered when his phone buzzed. He removed it from his pocket to read a message from Jiselle.

I'm NoT pAyInG fOr ThE hOsPiTaL bIlLs.

Jisung! I hv a gud news for you!

Wht gud news?

Just come to my house 2mrw!

Jisung sent an okay and sprawled on his bed. Something told him he isn't gonna like this ' Good news. '

And he was right.


The next morning, he reached the Park house but before he could ring the bell, the door opened and out walked Jiselle in her full glory.

" Do you see any difference? " She asked betting her eyelashes at Jisung who looked at her weirdly.

" Other than your ugly face no. "
Jiselle pulled a blank face and hit his arm lightly.

" I won't pay for the hospital bills! " She threatened for the umpteenth time while Jisung just innocently smiled.

" What's the good news though? " He asked as he pushed inside the house.

" If you were smart enough you would have noticed my scar and pimple free face from miles away. " Jiselle flaunted as she skipped towards the living room where Mrs. Kim was sat while sipping her tea peacefully. " It's practically glowing. "

Jisung noticed her back-to-normal face as soon as she opened the door but he was avoiding it. The inevitable truth that he wouldn't have to act like Jiselle again. That Minho would soon find out the truth.

" And why am I here again? " Jisung asked with a raised eyebrow and Jiselle nodded with an excited smile before skipping towards the coffee table in the living where a black folder was kept.

She removed a piece of paper that Jisung quickly recognized, his heart falling in his stomach.
" Here's the check. I added extra money for all the times you had to attend meetings in my stead and also when you had to meet with Mr lee. "

Jisung stared at the check, it looked taunting. Like it was reminding Jisung about all the lies he said. Like his feelings were all for nothing and can be bought by a mere piece of paper.

" Earth to Jisung. " Jiselle said while shaking the paper in front of his face. " You want the money or not? "

Jisung looked at her and then back to the piece of paper.
" Also, I paid the hospital bills so you can actually spend this money on yourself. That's how nice I am. " Jiselle said with a proud smile and once again extended the check to Jisung who took it with shaky hands.

" Now that I'm finally free of that demonic disease, I'm throwing a party at my place and you're invited of course. " Jiselle said with excitement lacing her voice.

She skipped towards the sofa to discuss the details with Mrs. Kim while Jisung stood at the same place, his eyes never leaving the check with the amount of money that he always wished for but now it looked nothing but a piece of paper.

It was a painful reminder of how he just bought the feeling of betrayal minho would feel when he would find out the truth.


Word count - 1073
Idk how to feel.

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