35 - For the first and the last time

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He gasped and turned around to see him standing in front of him.

" Minho. " He whispered, not believing his eyes. Mentioned male walked towards the swing Jisung was sitting at and placed himself without a word.

" Why didn't you go home already? " He questioned while Jisung only stared at him, maybe he finally had a chance to make everything right.

" I was waiting for you. " He whispered but it was loud enough in the eerie quietness of the forest.

" Why? "

" I— "

" When I made it clear that I didn't want to meet you, then why did you come here? Why did you wait for hours? " He questioned as he finally made eye contact with Jisung who couldn't see a single expression on his face. His blank eyes were making Jisung scared of the uncertainty.

" Where did you learn to dress up like that?"  This question surprised Jisung but he still answered.

" Mrs kim helped me. " He mumbled and Minho hummed.

" Well she did a good job as I didn't even suspect that you were a boy. " He said with a scoff.

" I'm sorry. " Jisung muttered with trembling lips and kept his gaze on the ground.
" It must be fun right? Seeing me saying all those cheesy things to you and acting like a love sick puppy? " Jisung bit his lips to stop the tears from falling.

" I just want to ask why? "
" I— "

" For money of course. " He answered his question with a scoff.

" Minho please.. Listen to me. " Jisung said while finally making eye contact with him. His own eyes filled with tears while Minho stared at him blankly.

His mind said don't listen to him he'll just lie while his heart said, maybe give him a chance?

He didn't say anything and looked ahead. Jisung took his chance to start speaking as he thought the older won't cut him off.

" My mom has melanoma. " Minho looked at him with wide surprised eyes but he continued while keeping his gaze on his hands. " After my dad left when I was 10, she was so devastated but still worked hard just so she could provide for me but then she was diagnosed with Melanoma when I was 14 we had to shift to Korea from Malaysia for the treatment.

The treatment alone was so expensive that we could barely afford to live in a proper apartment. At first seungmin let us stay in his apartment above the cafe while he stayed with his parents so we had only the hospital bills to take care of but then her condition worsened and I had to take multiple jobs in order to pay for my mother's stay in the hospital because I owed her for when she worked all those jobs just so I could attend high school.

Just when I was having a hard time paying the bills on time, Mrs. Kim offered me to pay the hospital bills in return to dress up as Jiselle for this one function.

It was only a one time thing, I was supposed to book an appointment with you and never see you again but then I started liking having to spend time with you. I loved how even though you are so rich and famous, you still were so down to earth. I loved how you shared your favorite place with me and how you had only one friend but you treasured him so much that you were willing to go through all those rants and visits to the cafe everyday even though you were clearly third wheeling.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take advantage of you knowing how much you hate those people. You don't have to return my feelings after what happened but I just wanted to tell you that I genuinely like you.

I'm sorry for breaking your trust. I'm sorry for taking your advantage. I'm sorry for everything that happened. "

He concluded as he once again made eye contact to show that he was genuinely sorry for everything he did. Until now Minho's eye had lost the traces of anger or any hatred.

He sighed and looked back to the river as he waited to let Minho speak.

" You don't have to trust me but please believe me when I say that I really like you. " He whispered.
" And I understand if you don't feel the same. " He mumbled the last part, feeling his heart beat painfully.

" Can I kiss you? " Jisung looked at him surprised.

" Sorry? " He asked even though he was sure he heard it the first time.

" Can I kiss you? For the first and the last time? " Minho said this time more clearly and looked at him in the eye.

He wanted to say no. He was supposed to say no yet he couldn't. He knew his heart won't agree when he nodded his head.

He could have stopped it yet he knew he wanted it despite the pain it'll bring along when he felt a soft pair of lips on his own.
He felt Minho's hand on his waist pulling him closer and other hand holding his chin to guide his lips with his own. He felt like he was on fire yet his hands were cold and placed on Minho's shoulder.

Minho nibbled on his lips and bit them slightly before pulling away. He did say that it was their last kiss yet he couldn't help himself leaning again to kiss when he saw the younger boy with his eyes closed, lips swollen and breathing heavily as if he was waiting for the older boy to kiss him again.

They kissed for I don't know how many times, yet they didn't seem to stop. A loud ring interrupted them and Minho pulled away with a groan.

" What? " He asked with annoyance laced in his voice as soon as he picked the phone without checking the caller ID.

" Whoa whoa, who got you mad bruh? " Hyunjin's voice sounded through the opposite side.
" What do you want? " Minho asked, now completely pulling away and straightening his clothes.

" Well about that gala you were talking about, meet me at my house at 8 tomorrow. And you can bring a date if you don't wanna third wheel between me and minnie. " Hyunjin immediately said before the older could hang up the call.
Minho sighed and stood up, while jisung just stared at him. Was this really the end?

Jisung bit his lips and clenched his fists when he saw the older boy walking away however he looked up when Minho stopped in his steps.

" What are you doing tomorrow? " Jisung paused for a minute to process what he heard before replying.

" Nothing.. I just have to work at the cafe. "

" And I assume you'll be done till 7? " He asked and received a confused nod.

" Then I'll pick you up at 7.45 so don't be late. " He said and started to walk away. Jisung immediately stood up when he realized what the older had said.

" Late for what? "

" For our date. And this time a real one. " He said while walking backwards and smiled before once again turning and walking away.

" A date...? " Jisung muttered before a large goofy smile spread across his lips. He jumped in happiness and excitement before he realized where he was.

" Yah! Who'll give me a ride back home?! "


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「 Let's play dress up? 」|| MinsungHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin