18 - You a 3racha member?

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" Hi I'm Han Jisung, your temporary vocal coach, till Mr. Cho recovers. " He introduced himself and received some curious gazes before a boy with chocolate brown hair raised his hand to ask a question.

" What happened to Mr. Cho? "

" He got a back injury, so doctor has suggested he rests a little. You don't know since you were absent in last class. " One of the girl around the same age as him answered him.

" What should we call you? Mr. Han or teacher Han? " Another boy with dark brown hair around 14 years old asked.

" How about you call me hyung? Because Mr. Han is my father and teacher Han sounds too.. Old? " He received few giggles from the class before they all nodded.

" Now, how about you all introduce yourselves? I would love to get to know you all. "

" I'll go first!! " The previous boy said and stepped forward. " I'm Cha Yongeun and I love mint chocolate! "

" Eww!! You like toothpaste flavor?! " One of the girl with ash black hair said with disgusted expression.

" Now, let's not judge each other. Remember if you want others to respect you then you should respect them too. "

" Don't tell me you like pineapple pizza too? " Completely ignoring Jisung's statement, the girl continued.

" What if I do? " Yongeun said followed by a nonchalant shrug.

" No way! That's gross. "

" Have you ever tried it before? "

" Why would I? Pineapple doesn't belong on pizzas. " She replied while pertaining the same disgusted expression.

" I think you don't get to state your opinion if you have never tried it before. " Yongeun said and some of the other students also hummed or nodded in agreement. The girl huffed in annoyance when even Jisung seemed to agree with him.

Before she could argue back, Jisung stepped in. He didn't plan for his first day as vocal coach to go down the drain. Even when Chan is his best friend, he shouldn't take advantage of his kindness.

" Yongeun, take byul on a date to eat pineapple pizza! " One of the classmate, who was standing behind watching all the drama unfold before his eyes, suggested. He just wanted to see more drama by his suggestion and once he saw yongeun actually considering his suggestion he couldn't stop a smirk from surfacing on his face.

" D-Date?! As if. " The girl, byul scoffed but her pink cheeks were very visible to others. Jisung chuckled a little as he caught on to the situation.

Enemies to lovers arc huh?

" Yeah eat pineapple pizza first and then you can decide to hate it or love it. " One of the other girls said followed by some other boy.

" Yeah and then you can grab mint chocolate together!! " The class hummed in agreement while byul was fuming in fake anger and yongeun had a smug smile on his face.

" Now, as much fun as this is, we have a class to begin. " Jisung announced and some of the students pouted since it was getting too fun but understood what Jisung wanted to say, so just like that the class began.


" Thank you hyung, have a good night! " Tony, a 12 year old boy with blonde hair, greeted him before leaving together with his friends.

" Oppa! You'll teach for a whole month right? " Serin asked with her big brown eyes peering at Jisung.

" Yup. " Jisung nodded which caused the girl to smile widely before she waved her hand towards him and left the studio.

After everyone left, Jisung stretched a little before gathering his things. After he made sure everything was back in its place and none of the students have left anything behind, he switched off the lights before leaving himself.

Chan had asked him to meet him in his office before leaving, so that's where he walked till he heard some familiar voices.

One of Chan and one of.... Minho?!
What is he doing here?!

Just to confirm his suspicion he stepped around the corner to see Chan and Minho conversing in front of Chan's office.

I'll talk with Chan on call.

He decided and quickly turned around to leave but before he could take a step forward Chan called out to him.

" Oi Jisung! C'mere! "
Cursing under his breath, he turned around and showed him a smile that said 'let me leave peacefully.' But Chan of course didn't understand and gestured him to come forward, all the under the gaze of Lee freaking Minho.

" How was your first day? Did the class give you trouble? " Chan questioned as soon as Jisung has stepped towards the duo.

" It was good and no, the class is very friendly. " He replied and smiled a little when he remembered how they have set up two of his students together for a date.

" Oh I see. " Chan said with a knowing smile and turned towards Minho. " Oh Min! This is Jisung, he is my best friend and our new vocal coach till Mr. Cho decides to join back in. And Sung, this my other best friend who uses my dance studio for himself. " Chan said with a friendly glare directed towards Minho who just shrugged in response.

" We know each other Chan. " Chan looked towards Minho before looking towards Jisung in surprise.

" You do? " Jisung nodded his head.

" Yeah I met him in seung's cafe. "

" Oh. How come I never knew? "

" Because we only met once and now twice. " Minho said and looked towards Jisung who also nodded.

" Oh so- " Before Chan could question more his phone started ringing. " Oh sorry gotta take this. You both can leave, I'll talk with Jisung on phone. "

Jisung nodded with a smile and quickly turned around to leave but once again Minho stopped him while Chan went back in his office.

" Where do you live? "

" Just down the street, why? " Jisung questioned with his head titled.

" It's dark outside so I'll walk you home. " Minho informed and started walking ahead.

" No need! I can go alone! " Jisung tried to convince him to leave but Minho just kept walking causing him to follow without any option.

" So are you a 3racha member? "


Word count - 1025
Thank god summer vacay exists or I'll melt like an ice cube in this hotness.

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