twenty four - the jorjor well year

Start from the beginning

They look at each other, take about two seconds to telepathically agree, and then turn back to you.


"Let's do that."


Since you had gotten out of your house way too early for Tina's party, you decide to drive around Hawkins until it's started for at least twenty minutes. Arriving first was never fun.

When Kazuo parks in Tina's house street, you can hear the music blasting from the living room already. There are people in the garden, drinking or making out, but most are inside since it's only just begun.

"You think Alex's already here?" Mona wonders out loud.

"You should go look for him," Kazuo shrugs as you exit the car. "The house isn't too crowded yet."

"Okay," she takes a deep breath. "You guys wait here, I'll be back soon."

"M'kay," you wave her away as you lean over the porch's railing, watching her go with a small smile before turning to Kazuo. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you think you're gonna find a girl tonight?"

"A g- yeah. Yup, absolutely. I have to find me a sweet cute hot sexy American girlfriend chick, don't I? It's about damn time."

You laugh at his exaggerated reaction. "I wouldn't say that. No pressure, man, just wanted to know if you had anyone in sight."

"Oh. Well, no. You?"


"Let's just get married," he nudges you playfully, and you chuckle, hitting back.

"In your dreams."


Mona did find Alex, and you guys decided to raise the level of the dancefloor for a while. You had been crazily jumping around with Kazuo, bumping into basically everyone, while Mona and Alex were more timid in their movements, which you found really cute, when you realized there were more and more people filling the room.

And yet not once did you happen to see Tina. She was supposed to be your host, you smile to yourself as you think about it.

"I'll go get something to drink," you tell Kazuo, who nods and wraps his arm around Mona and Alex's shoulders, encouraging them to jump with him.

As you serve yourself some soda in the kitchen, where a few people are conversing away from the crazy ambiance of the living room, someone bumps into you, almost making you drop your cup. You don't say anything about it, but the person stops nevertheless.


You consider jumping out of the window to avoid discussion when you see the white sleeveless shirt and the denim jacket, but it wasn't a smart move as said window was closed.

"Hargreaves," you say, turning to face Billy.

"It's Hargrove," he corrects with a frown.

"Oh," you say tonelessly as you take a sip from your cup. "Okay."

An awkward silence takes place. You start hoping he'll stop here and leave, but it's too much to ask for.

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