two - party time

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Wednesday, October 31, 1984

"Hey (Y/n), what does 'presumptuous' mean?"

"Hi, Dustin, cool costume," you say, seeing him walk up to you in a Ghostbusters costume after you're finished with school. You were waiting for Steve in the parking lot, he was driving you home. Good thing Hawkins Middle School and Hawkins High were close, you often met up with the boys after school. "Looking badass."

"Eh, thanks," he sighs tiredly. "Nobody else dressed up except us."

"Tough," you comment.

"Yeah, but now that you've said I look badass I feel better," he shrugs, and you fist bump.

"Here for you, bud. Presumptuous means overconfident."

"Shit," Dustin's shoulders drop, making you frown.

"What's the deal?"

"The new girl called me and Lucas presumptuous. I thought it was a good thing," he sulks. "Now she probably won't come trick or treating with us."

"I don't have much context, but it doesn't seem like it. Are you talking about the redhead skater I saw this morning?"

"Yeah, her name's Max," he sighs. From afar, Lucas and Mike call for him on their bikes. "Shit, gotta go. See you later, (Y/n)! Happy Halloween!"

"Happy Halloween," you giggle as you see him hurry towards his friend. Right on time, Steve walks up to you and you both get in his car. As he sits behind the wheel, you can't help but notice he seems down.

"Something the matter?"

"I'm fine," he mutters, starting the engine.

"Alright," you shrug and look out the window, pretending to be unbothered.

"It's Nancy," Steve falls right into your trap. "She feels guilty about Barb's parents, you know, we had dinner with them yesterday and they've hired a detective to find her. They think she's still alive, that's some sad shit."

"Damn," you comment. Poor them. You had found Will on time, but it was not the same for Barbara, and the government hadn't even bothered covering up her death. For some people, she had simply run away, and her parents being, well, her parents, had not let go of the hope that their daughter was still alive somewhere.

"Nance feels super guilty, she wants to tell them about what really happened, so I told her 'no, we can't or the government will kill us', but she still feels bad, you know, so I don't really know what to do. Maybe going to Tina's Halloween party will help her unwind a bit - are you going too, by the way?"

"Yes, I'm going - and I think you can't do much for Nancy right now except being here for her. It's almost been a year since Barbara went missing. The anniversary is coming up soon. I mean, that's gotta be hard to bear."

You yourself felt weird about November turning up. When the warmly colored leaves started falling, an unsettling sensation had twisted your stomach, as if the change of season was bearer of trouble. It was a shame, you used to love the time of the year trees turned orange, as if the forest surrounding Hawkins was on fire. Now it only reminded you of creatures in the walls and white electrician vans.

Your hand unknowingly goes to clutch your abdomen, where the Demogregorian had struck you on that tragic night.

"I'll be extra careful," Steve nods. "And I'll drive you to the party. We'll just have to pick Nance up before."

"Alright," you nod and look out the window at the cloudy sky.

"What's your costume gonna be, by the way?"

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