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I heard I'm your wife
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 77

    Maintaining a peaceful relationship on the surface does not mean that Lin Wei wants to go further with Gu Chenfeng, "Sorry, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow."

    Gu Chenfeng couldn't tell if it was an excuse or the truth, "When will you be back? "

    "It depends on the progress of the matter. I can't tell."

    "I'll wait for you."

    Gu Chenfeng couldn't understand her polite rejection, and Lin Wei couldn't do it either.


    Three days later, Lin Wei came back from a business trip.

    Since Chen Baiyu couldn't spare time to attend the business reception, she had to go by herself.

    Lin Wei, who hadn't shown up on this kind of occasion for a long time, has been ridden with divorce rumors recently. A few guests saw her and discussed with their companions in a low voice.

    As soon as Lin Wei came in, she felt that some people were looking at her with appreciative eyes.

    She couldn't help frowning.

    This is for business purposes, not to chat with people, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to other people's looks.

    After chatting with the boss of her company's supplier, Lin Wei was going to find a seat to sit down.

    At this time, a resentful gaze stared at her closely.

    She reflexively looked for who was looking at her, and when she raised her eyes, a beautiful and mean face came into her eyes.

    Before seeing Lin Wei, Bai Mingzhu smiled sweetly to curry favor with the old man who was hard to please, but when she saw her, she couldn't control herself and wanted to tear Lin Wei apart.

    It was this woman who caused her family to go bankrupt. She fell from the clouds to the ground, and she was no longer a wealthy daughter. In order to pay off the remaining debts, she wanted to sell herself.

    Unexpectedly meeting Bai Mingzhu, Lin Wei glanced at her twice, then looked away as if she didn't exist.

    However, Bai Mingzhu refused to let it go, and walked up to Lin Wei with her head upright, "You are divorced from Chen Feng, and you can still pretend to be Mrs. Gu, Lin Wei, you are as shameless as ever!"

    Most of the people present knew about the feud between Lin Wei and Bai Mingzhu.

    Bai Mingzhu scolded Lin Wei in a louder than normal volume, and those who heard it all pricked up their ears to eat melons.

    Being scolded in public, Lin Wei's temper was not good enough to bear it, "Take care if you are sick, don't bark like a mad dog here." "

    I am like a mad dog, how much better you are than me, you can't get the love of your husband Poor man!"

    "..." Lin Wei looked at Bai Mingzhu with a mental retardation, "If you want to think so, you can think so, anyway, as long as you are happy.

    " A tall and slender figure walked in through the door, he was cowed, shut his mouth instantly, and hurried back to the old man.

    In public, Lin Wei didn't want to get entangled with Bai Mingzhu, it would be embarrassing.

    Before she left, Bai Mingzhu ran away!

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