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I heard I'm your wife


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 7

    Chen Baiyu couldn't believe that Lin Wei would let the Bai family go so easily. She obviously wanted the Bai family to die. If the project was terminated at such a moment, the Bai family would be able to tide over the difficulties without Gu Chenfeng helping the Bai family. "Lin Wei, once the project is terminated, the Bai family..."

    Lin Wei closed the information and said: "The company has no money in the account, and I have no money. If this continues, there will only be a dead end. What about the Bai family? No matter, the project is terminated and the loss is stopped in time."

    Chen Baiyu was not surprised when Lin Wei said that he had no money.

    All of Lin Wei's money had been poured into this project before, and she didn't get any money from the Gu family, which is in line with common sense. Lin Wei and Gu Chenfeng have a bad relationship and disagree, and they are still on opposite sides.

    Lin Wei is the largest shareholder. Others have no right to object to the decisions she makes.

    After the meeting ended, Lin Wei and Chen Baiyu stayed in the meeting room.

    Chen Baiyu said: "Lin Wei, we have known each other for several years. We have experienced many crises since we started our business together. This time there is a risk of bankruptcy. I will accompany you in this project. I don't care if you terminate suddenly. , can you swallow this breath?"

    Lin Wei asked back: "So what if you can't swallow it? Are you waiting to die?"

    She suddenly became rational, and Chen Baiyu felt that she was strange.

    This is not Lin Wei who is crazy about love!

    He thought for a while, "OK, I have no objection to stopping this project, but don't repeat it. With the current situation of our company, it is very difficult to withstand the second test." Probably the body has remnants from when he was twenty-five years old

    . Memory, Lin Wei saw that Chen Baiyu's sense of strangeness was not so strong, and said in a slightly disgusted tone: "You know how risky our company is in doing this project, why didn't you stop me?" "..." Chen Baiyu was



    After a while, he said helplessly: "You own 60% of the shares, and you have the final say on the company. As a minority shareholder, how much power do I have to speak?"

    It's not the time to discuss this issue. Lin Wei needs to quickly understand the operation of Yulin Group and find a way to solve the crisis of no money on the books.

    After inspecting the company with Chen Baiyu, she was going to be autistic.

    The scale of Yulin Group is not small, it has been listed, and its main business is to make money. As a major shareholder, she should receive a lot of dividends every year, but she and the Bai family seized the market, trying to force the Bai family to death, throwing away all the money Go in and make yourself a pauper.

    Seeing her unhappy face, Chen Baiyu said: "The project we cooperated with Gu's Group was notified to suspend it today. Would you like to talk to Gu Chenfeng?"

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