Their door was pushed open and their neighbour rushed in after hearing all the curses and vase falling when passing by.

"Oh no! Stop!" The man yelled then used all his strength to pull jimin away from jungkook who's cloth is torn.

"Let me go!!!" Jimin yelled trying to pull away from the man.

But the man was stronger so he pushed jimin behind him when jungkook stood up from the ground.

"Let him go jungkook please!" The man begged pushing jungkook's chest.

"I'll kill him! Let me go!!" Jungkook yelled trying to attack jimin again but the man pushed him back.

Jimin was busy crying behind them with blood on his lips and a forming bruise on his cheek, neck, wrist and his cheek getting swollen.

"No you won't do that! He's your boyfriend! How many times to do want me to separate you both from fighting! But this is overboard! You've never hit each other before! Why now!?! I want you both to sit down and attend to your wounds by yourselves and do no even think about fighting or I'll call the police!" The man yelled then stormed out of the house, shutting the door loudly.

Jungkook wasn't badly beaten up like jimin because he was stronger and he hit jimin mostly so he only had torn clothes, scratch marks on his chest, neck and a little on his cheek and a bloody lip.

Jungkook sighed then walked to jimin before pulling him into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I hit you first" he apologised.

Jimin sobbed in jungkook's chest.

"I..I hate it when we fight Kookie" jimin cried.

"It's okay. We'll be okay" Jungkook said then pulled away from the hug.

"Gosh baby, I hit you pretty bad, I'm sorry" Jungkook apologised as tears welled up in his eyes seeing his pretty boyfriend with bruises on his face.

"It's okay. Let's go clean up"

Jimin took jungkook's hand and they went upstairs to their room.



Jungkook lit up his cigarette as he stood in the balcony, looking at the stars.

"Hey honey. What are you doing here by this time?" Jimin asked as he hugged Jungkook from behind.

"Can't sleep"

Jungkook said as he took out the cigarette stick from his lip to blow out the smoke.

Jimin smiled then walked to jungkook's front, taking the cigarette from his fingers and placing it between his lip, inhaling the smoke before pulling it out and blowing it on jungkook's face.

Jungkook smirked then leaned down and pressed his lips on Jimin's.

Jimin wrapped his arms around jungkook's neck, deepening the kiss.

Jungkook's hold on jimin's waist tightened as he felt jimin press the cigarette on his back.

He hissed into the kiss and the cigarette burnt his skin.

Jimin detached it then threw it down the balcony, not breaking the kiss.

"Feels good?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook hummed with a breathy laugh.

"You want sex?" Jimin asked.

"I'll save that for tomorrow" Jungkook said then pressed his lips on jimin's again.

The kiss was filled with groping and grabbing with dragging of hairs.


The next day, Jungkook went out to visit his friends, Taehyung and Namjoon while jimin stayed at home.

"Howdy kook! Damn! What's wrong with your face?!!" Taehyung yelled as jungkook walked into the house.

"Jimin happened" Jungkook greeted.

Namjoon came from the kitchen with a burnt pan.

"So I tried to cook and, you know the rest. Anyways! You should break up with that dude, like, you look hideous!"

"I agree" Taehyung said.

"I can't. I love him, he loves me even tho we fight a lot"

"But this is overboard. Is he a cat?? Damn man" Taehyung said.

"Leave it! It's my relationship. Anyway, what's new?"

"Nothing's new. Who's up for swimming in the pool??" Namjoon asked.

"I'm up!" Taehyung said.


"Let's go!!!" Namjoon yelled.

They all ran to the backyard pool.

Once they were In, Namjoon's phone rang.

Taehyung and Jungkook were too busy splashing and playing to hear what Namjoon was saying so after the call, he called them.

"Guys! Jin and yoongi are coming over!" He Cheered.

"What!?? What about my baby???" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"Oh. Hoseok's watching him"

Taehyung sighed.

"I'll call jimin over" jungkook said.

"Wait Jungkook! You know we don't go too well with jimin, same as jin and yoongi" Namjoon said.

"That's your problem. I can't be the only one that won't be busy with his boyfriend" Jungkook said.

"Fine! Call him, but please tell him not to cause trouble" Taehyung begged.

Jungkook rolled his eyes with a breathy laugh then got out of the pool, he walked to where he kept his phone, turned it on then dialed jimin's number.


"Hey Jim. Can you come over to Namjoon's?"

"Why? I don't like his boyfriend"

"Please? Just for me. They're all with their partner except me" jungkook whined.

"Ugh, fine. I'll be there in five"

Yeah from jungkook's mansion to Namjoon's is a five minute walk.

"Thanks baby. Love you"

"Love you too honey"

*beep beep beep*

"He's on his way!" Jungkook announced.



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