♡16~ 𝐀&𝐀

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The advertisement has been shot and produced already. The sales of the B2 is actually going well. They've sold out approximately 800 products, in just a week. That's an amazing achievement for them.
Their files are ready and now all it needs is a last picture.

Now that Arreum was free from the project stress, she had time to think about the bitter past of Campbells and Malhans. She couldn't bear the tension and the misunderstanding between both the families,
all she wanted was to solve it and make them understand that rivalry is not worth their time.

Because in the end,
What remains is only
Regrets and What ifs.

So it was better for them to solve it, and as soon as possible.

Today her university was closed, and Arreum was missing her bestfriend so much today. So, she called Ava and they both decided to meet at Ava's family Cafe, which for the information, was the most expensive Cafe in their city.

Now Arreum was waiting for Ava at the entrance of the luxurious Cafe, which moreover was a hotel.

A staff saw Arreum waiting outside, so he approached her.

"Good morning Ms.Campbell. We are pleased to have you here, are you, perhaps waiting for someone?" He asked with the most respectful behavior he was trained for.

Arreum diverted her attention from her phone and continued to say with a smile on her face, "Oh, good morning! Dylan, right? Yes, I'm here for Ava."

He nodded in acknowledgement. "Yes mam, I'm Dylan. The secretary of the staff manager. And please, come inside and have a seat mam. Why are you standing outside?" He asked politely.

"Oh actually, Ava must be arriving in some seconds or so, thats why I thought it'll be better, if we go in together. Nothing else." Arreum said.

The staff resisted. "I'm sorry mam, but please I can't let you stand outside. The manager would be so mad at me for this. And Mam Ava, she most certainly would not be pleased with this treatment. So I insist you to come inside and have a seat." He said with a smile as he opened the door for Arreum.

Arreum finally gave up and listened to the staff.

She went inside and was warmly welcomed. Ava and Arreum, since they were kids, they used to come and spend their time together in her family Cafe. So yes, people here know Arreum really well. All of them share a family-like-bond.

Ava finally arrived and was welcomed respectfully. The staff here respects her a lot. She's like the second boss, and her orders matter.

As soon as Ava came into the sight of Arreum's, she quickly stood up and ran to hug her bestfriend. Ava returned the gesture.

"Woah, easy there princess. I know, you missed me." Ava said breaking   the hug.

Arreum playfully slapped Ava's arm. "Oh cut the crap, and you better explain me why have not been contacting me for weeks? I'm certainly not very pleased." She asked in her dead serious voice.

Ava gulped and then sighed. "Look, we'll talk about this later. Dylan, did you guys offered her some beverages or not? I'm not taking no as answer, for real." She looked at the staff with a serious face.

The staff quickly refused. As Dylan was about to say something, Arreum cut him off and said, " Chill Ava, they did treated me really well. And to your information, we're like a family here so you don't have to ask them at all, they're always ready to serve. Go a little easy girl."

Ava rolled her eyes and commanded, "Follow me. And you all, back to work."

Arreum shook her head, as she knew how Ava can be sometimes. She is a good boss though, just hard to please. They went in their forever booked room. Out of all the floors, there was a floor which has always been booked for Ava's family, and Campbell's.

The floor had everything to fulfill one's needs. As both of them stepped in and got themselves comfortable, Arreum started, "Huh, it's been years. When did we last visited this place, it has not changed at all."

Both of them looked around the room, which held many childhood memories. There were many frames placed on the wall, holding photos of Ava and Arreum. They indeed were bestfriends.

"We last visited here like 4 years ago, it's good to be back, right?" Ava asked,smiling.

Arreum smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yes, indeed."

After another minute of silence, Arreum spoke up.

"So, yes, now explain." She asked directly staring into Ava's soul.

"Woah, woah. Don't give me that 'Speak-or-else-pray-for-your-life' look!" Ava protested.

No response.

"Hey, atleast say something." Ava said again to a staring Arreum.

No response.

"Look, it isn't helping at all." Ava said again.

Again, no response.

"Fine, I've been very busy okay?" She said. This time, Arreum's gaze softened. Ava kept on going.

"You know, I have been managing this branch of Cafe here, and then I have to help dad with business too. Not to mention, about the dead ass business training which I have to attend. The university isn't helping at all, there's a lot of homework to do. So together summed up, days are really tiring. Each alternate days, there's some ceremony or event to attend and then media sucks up all my energy. So at the end of the day, I've no time left for myself. That's why, you know I couldn't get to contact you. Look princess, I really apologize-"

Before Ava could say anything else, Arreum stopped her with a hug. A really comforting hug.

"I should be the one apologizing, you know I wasn't serious, right? I was just teasing you, hun. I know you've been dealing with a lot these days, trust me, I know it sucks sometimes. You don't have to feel sorry about being busy, I'm not mad. Infact, I'm really proud of you! Look how far you've come. I'm sure, you're gonna do so great." Arreum said.

She then parted away, and continued, "Just take care of yourself, hm? Don't lose yourself within this. We all are gonna be alright, after all this is our dream, right? We have got to work for it." She said with a smile.

Ava smiled and nodded. "Thanks for the hug, I really needed it. And yes, we are not going to give up, okay? NEVER." She reminded Arreum.

Arreum nodded. Ava continued, "How have you been doing? I know, you've been dealing with a lot too. So go on, share."

Arreum sighed, "Well, nothing special. University, business training, tutions, business events and ceremonies,  meetings. The usual stuff tires the shit outta me. And as you might have seen, well those rumors..you know have gotten worse. I don't know why is it happening, my parents are so mad at me. Also we just shot a ad together, so its going to get worse. Plus, I've been trying to figure out the tension between Malhans and Campbells."

Ava listened carefully. "What's written shall be done, you can't change it. You've got to trust the universe and just go with the flow. Maybe there's a reason behind all these happenings. But remember, you will not give up. Whatever comes you'll face it, I'm here if you need."

Arreum smiled and nodded. "Ofcourse, hun."

"By the way, I really have to meet these guys you always talk about. I mean, how the hell they have become so important for my bestfriend?  Won't let them snatch you away from me. You're stuck with me girl, get that in your fucking head." Ava smirked.

"Shut up, dumbass. Let's go"

The whole day was spent with chats and a lot of fun. Both the girls enjoyed their time with each other, they really needed it though. There was a lot of catching up to do, gladly they made plans to meet.


𝘌𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora