"What?" Angel told him as he did that. He seems to be looking at her, too.

"Bring the milk, Angel," he told me, then he started to hold Angel hand. "I've got an idea. Come on!"

-Moment Later, after one hostage was kill-

"Mr. President. How can I help you?" said the Chief on the phone.

"Chief, you can help me dump some fuel."

Angel waited for him to respond to the call, so she moved back a bit to calm herself down.

Angel later heard those words, "Sir, do you see the maintenance panel?"

"Yeah, I see it."

"Pop it open. There should be a red switch. Toggle it up."

"Hang on."

He placed the gun above the box, flipped the red switch, and then, the green light turned red.

"Okay, we got some indicator lights here."

"To dump the fuel, you have to close the circuit for the pump. There's no switch, so you'll have to cross the wires. Open the fuel control door."

"Hang on." He adjusted the phone on his shoulder, opened the box with the butter knife, and when opened, saw a bunch of wires.

"There should be five of them. Do you see them, sir?"

"Yeah, I see them."

He at first becomes confused at the wires, but he now sees the five wires he'd mentioned.

Angel went over to take a closer look.

"All right, we got five: green, yellow, red, white, and blue."

"Okay, just hang on. I've got to double-check something."

"Come on, man. For Pete's sake, hurry up!"

"Just calm down, Dad." Angel said her father.

"Sir, if you get the wrong wire, you'll cut the engine feeds, and the plane will crash."

"Well, we don't want to get the wrong wire, do we?"

"First, cut the green wire."

He then starts to mumble as he cuts off the green wire.

"Okay, cut."

"And then, cross that with the...." The conversation suddenly stopped short.

"With the, with the what? Hello? Cross it with the what? Say again. Cross the green wire with the, with the..." Then he looked at a phone, realised that the phone was low battery and Angel saw this.

"Oh, God." Angel said with a sighed.

"For Christ's sake." The President said then he looked back wired.

"Green, yellow, red, white, and blue."

"Cross with.... Green...."

"I'm countin'' on ya, red, white, and blue."

So he cut the yellow wire and crossed the metal ends of both green and yellow.

Meanwhile, in the sky night, jet flight F-15s sees this.

"Sirs, it looks like Air Force One is losing fuel." He said.

Then, in the cockpit room, Korshunov and the other men saw in the screen realised that the fuel was losing.

"We're losing fuel." He said.

"Somebody is pumping it out of avionics." Korshunov said.

"I'm going downstairs." He said, and then two of them went down to check the fuel while Korshunov stayed in the cockpit.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the president grabbed the gun from its place and went out of the control room to the back of the vault. Angel followed her father with her pistol.

"You're ready, Daddy?" Angel asked, then he nodded.

"Let's do this, Angel." The President said, then she nodded.

Once two Ruskies went downstairs, they waited for a bit before they started shooting. His with bullets and her with pistol.

One of them just went to the control room and tried to recross the wires, while the other dodged our bullets and nails and followed his partner.

The two of them were busy inside when we went near the stairs, but he seemed to hear footsteps that we hid under it and waited for the Ruskie upstairs to leave.

He said in Russian, "Sergei? Kolchak? What's happening?"

Good thing that Angel had her pistol, waiting for him to go downstairs.

But the President said something in Russian that Angel understood.

"He's dead. Give us a hand," he lied.

The Ruskie, aware of what he said, went downstairs, and Angel was about to shoot him when the President stared at her as if he's saying not to do this.

Once gone, they went upstairs and waited for him to come back.

Angel then heard that they're going to refuel the plane (they called the staff back at Washington for that one). And when the fuel dump system is fixed, the fuel that went out was gone.

The two then went out, and one of them continued shooting as if they were there, but they didn't; we've been hiding upstairs.

Once they went out and headed into the cockpit, they called out to their watchman about the situation.

He replied, "Da (yes)," and watched them go up.

But he did not know that the President and Angel aimed they guns at him.

"Move," he called out, forcing him to the door where the hostages were kept inside.

Then they waited for him to open the door...

The President & The Daughter (Air Force One)Where stories live. Discover now