Chapter 8: Crooked Paths

Start from the beginning

"They got gold?" 

"...I believe so, sir. Couldn't have land and help like that without it." 

"I see. Then I think we may be on the right track here." Dutch had stepped closer to me. His dark eyes locked with mine. "Can we trust you, Ms. Monroe?"

"Yes, sir. I'm... I'm here to help, whatever I can do. Just please don't hurt the townsfolk, they're scrapin' by, as it is." I looked down at my feet. "Sure, there's gonna be good and bad wherever you go, but the people of Rhodes don't have to pay for the sins of those families."

"...I see. Then we may just need some of your advice to guide us." Dutch's words were now smooth, making me all-too-aware of how easily I've slid into association with them again. I knew he could see right through me - I wasn't strong enough to turn them in if I tried, and now it was either I helped them out or let their power trips run rampant on my congregation's town. 

"Sure." I did my best to put on a cordial face. 

"Well, no use in holding you here for any longer, Miss." Bill gestured outside of the camp. 

"I don't think her leavin' at this hour is a good idea." Sadie had walked up, standing at a close distance beside me. "Don't think we really need to mention why." 

"Them Lemoyne Raiders are as bad as the O'Driscolls!" Tilly growled from somewhere behind me. 

"They're right. You'll stay with us tonight -- it's decided." Dutch gestured towards the girls' caravan, where Mary-Beth had already excitedly been unrolling another bedroll in the spot where I had slept before. 


At this point, the moon was high in the sky, bathing the camp in an icy glow. Mostly everyone had gone to sleep, save for a few of the guys quietly talking over a few beers by the fire. I had laid staring up at the sky for awhile, but sleep couldn't even cross my mind quite yet. With a small sigh I quietly got up, taking my satchel with me. Maybe some time away from the group would help me forget a bit of the situation I've found myself in. 

A dried-out fallen tree was half sunken into the beach on the outskirts of the camp. I sat facing the water, skimming over a passage out of Proverbs in my Bible.

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. -Proverbs 10:9

If only the finding-out part didn't have to rest on my shoulders now. 

After finishing the chapter I shut the book before bringing out my journal. I decided to do a sketch of Clemens Point because it had always been a beautiful site to me. Something about the row of tents and the soft glow of the campfire added an endearing touch to my heart. Without thinking too much about the crimes and all, it was oddly comforting to be back amongst this admittedly-dysfunctional family. It was a group that was built off loyalty, teamwork, and hope -- though we believed different things, could I really say there were much different than me at the core? I scribbled my thoughts onto the paper, wondering when I'd be able to--

"So we offer you some shelter for the night and you take to the wild again, it seems." The voice made me jump in my own skin. I hadn't even heard him come up, but sure enough it was none other than Arthur Morgan. Probably one of the people I'd have avoided the most if given the chance, if not only for the awkwardness that would be leftover from our last conversation. 

"Oh, Ar-- Mr. Morgan." I quickly shut my journal, setting it down on the cool grass next to me. 

He paused. "It's Arthur." His correction sounded exactly the same as he'd said before. "Mind if I join you?"

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