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There she stood, in front of him with sadness gleaming in her eyes. She looks at him expectedly, who had shown himself to her, his chest bare for her. On it showed two dark markings of dragons, one on his top right and one on his bottom left.

There was something different about the way he had looked at her tonight.

The glacier blue in his eyes that strikes fear in the breavest of creatures revealed oceans of sadness beneath them.

Only for her.

His breath hitches as she lays a palm on his chest. As she slowly inches her palm towards the other side, she could feel his muscles tense under her touch.

And she knew, he was just as unnerved as she was.

She ran her fingers across his chiseled chest, marvelling at the intricate markings before her.

His eyes were now hooded and dark as she trache her fingers across the chest, then going down towards the stomach. His jaw clenched tight as she pushed what restraint he had over the edge.

Then he spoke, voice hollow and full of emotion.

"These markings serve as a reminder- for every dragon that I have slain, for every life of my own brethen I took. It shall forever be etched on me." He then tores his gaze at her. "Yet, when I kill you, my bride, your death would hold no significance to me."

She looks down her eyes turning misty. She looks forlorn and lost, unable to meet his eyes.

"No," she whispers softly. "My death may not leave a physical mark on you." Then her palm rests deeply onto where his heart lays, meeting his eyes. She could feel his breath hitch and his heartbeat beat loudly for her, and for a moment time has stopped. "But with every breath you take, every beat of your cold-blooded heart... The pain shall serve as your reminder of me."

And just like that.

He was gone.

The Dragon Bride (Liskook)Where stories live. Discover now