The White House switchboard operator just found out where did the call from earlier came from.

Once the President raised he hands, he stared at the Ruskie cautiously and horridbly.

"Listen to me. You know who I am. I'm the President of the United States," he told him.

"Yes!" All of the White House exclaimed.

"Don't think that means I don't shoot you. Put your hands behind your heads and move," the Ruskie replied.

He did just that and started walking with that guy with the gun behind him.

"It's your lucky day. What more could my people do? Tell the F-15s to fire at the plane? Even if they tried, we're equipped with tactical countermeasures." The President soon asked the Ruskie.

"He's talking to us." He said from the White House.

"What are you telling me? What do you mean?" The Ruskie replied.

"I just want you to feel secure. That way, no one will get hurt. The computer'll fly circles around any missile they fire at us, and they'll hit just a shock wave."

"Believe me, all that'll happen is that we get knocked off on our feet, that's all!" The President said.

"Shut up, goddamn it!" The Ruskie's yelled at him.

"I have to do something before the Ruskie's kill my father." Angel whispered herself.

Meanwhile in the White House, all of them was silent.

"My God. Is he saying what I think he's saying?" He said.

"If we're going to act we have to act now." Vice-President said.

"It's too risky."

"The president is up there with a gun to his head."

"He's asking us to do that to Air Force One?"

"He's not asking. Your commander in chief has issued a direct order. Do it!" Vice-President ordered to him and he did.

Meanwhile in jet flight F-15s....

"Sir, are you sure that's what you want me to do?" Carlton asked.

"You heard me, Carlton. And let's pray it works the way it's supposed to." He said.

"Okay, boys, give me some room."

"I've just been ordered to fire on Air Force One." Carlton said as all of them F-15 fall a little bit back.

"I'm in position. Missiles are armed."

"All right. Target is acquired."

"I have a good lock. God, I hope this works."

"And Fox Three!" Carlton said as he press button to shoot Air Force One.

Meanwhile at cockpit room when on screen: "Activating countermeasures" then the two men come to see what happened.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"The Americans fired at us. I have no control. The computer is flying." Korshunov said.

Then the screen green show Missile Closing: Metallic Chaff Burst Activate.

Small bays doors slip open below the aircraft. A cloud of small metallic narticles sprays out of the bottom of the aircraft.

Back to the cockpit room when the screen show, "Missile Neutralized."

The missile dives into the swarm of descending chaff and DETONATES, lighting up the evening sky. Red flames against the silver-grey clouds.

The shock wave hits the aircraft.

Lights flicker and the plane rocks side to side.

HOSTAGES are bounced around the conference room.

In gangway, the Ruskie fell to the ground, and quickly, Angel finally get out of hide and use to pistol to shoot Ruskie making him to force hide.

The President uses it as an advantage to jump over him and attack. They did just that while I tried to hold on to the baggage rack, waiting for the shock wave to die down.

The plane then rolled to the left, then right again. Angel suddenly lost grip of the rack that she toppled over to the wall.

The President then pushed him out and into a hole, but before he can respond, the Ruskie started shooting. Good thing they missed Angel, and even he rolled over to the edge to dodge the bullets.

The Ruskie then stood up and went over to him, but he was about to punch him out when he grabbed him by the neck and tried to choke him out while Angel pistol pointed to him to make sure that he didn't kill her father.

The President was about to hit him when he did, then fallen to the floor, dead.

"You did great job, Dad." Angel said with a smile.

"You too, Angel. You have very brave enough, little girl." The President proud of second daughters.

"I'm not a little girl, Dad." Angel said as the President chuckled.

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