87 | 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧

Beginne am Anfang

"Adam, let me in." He quickly opens the door and I jump inside, a guards footsteps coming closer to my position.

I breathe once I'm safely inside, coming face to face with Eve, who has a surprised face.

"Nice seeing you here, hold on, are you hurt? Why are you bald?." She comes over to me after putting some plates down, the young couple just about having dinner.

"Yes, just.. had a rough week. The usual." I say as I lay against the wall while ignoring her second question, Adam crouching and checking me up.

"What happened up there? There's nothing but rumors of a war in the valley between here and Asgard. Some soldiers are calling it the Valley of Death already, they say that one of the gods was killed up there." I nod not really wanting to go through with any of the questioning.

"Are you still the leader of the rebels, Adam?." He hums and furrows his brows, his hidden persona coming to life after years.

"I.. try to not dwell on those matters anymore, there's no way of escaping this life." He rises, a solemn look on his face, the man always having dreamt of his freedom.

I get up from the ground, coming closer to them. I have to be convincing.

"There is. And I know just how." He stops in his tracks, presumably making eye contact with his wife as she looks at him as well, apprehension in her face.

"And it is an easy job to do so. Not only that, other than freedom, you will have power. You will be able to soon enough command an army and be more powerful than all of them." He turns after taking a cup from the table, markings pulsating slightly, the man pondering the situation.

"Are you.. making me a business proposition? If so, forget it. Your father will string us up—." He says after taking a swig of the contents inside the cup, his face flushed red when he interprets it the wrong way.

"Ares is dead, and all of them—gods and the army—are scattered without his guidance." He turns quickly, shock in his face as he hears the news.

"So.. what the guards are whispering is true then.. without him, there's no army to listen to complete orders.. less guards on the plantations and worksites.. but the others, won't they come to check on everything themselves?." He asks, cogs in his head turning wildly. Eve takes a step forward, placing a hand on her husbands arm.

"Their guards accompany them on daily orders, and if there is no one to take orders from, neither Demeter or anyone will take the risk of coming down here with insecure and unsure guards. Though it will not be long until they surely place Phobos in his place. If we even have the chance of that happening." I whisper the last part, not wanting the humans to freak out about the impending threat.

He turns and widens his eyes, Eve shaking her head as she places her slender fingers on his face.

"Adam, we left that long ago, it didn't work then, who says it'll work now?." He looks over to me, a long fanned flame returning to his dark eyes.

"This is enough confirmation, Eve. Think about this, we have the advantage here. The guards don't work without a commander, and theirs is dead. Can't you see? We're getting a chance here, the final chance at freedom!." His excitement clouds all sense of judgment on his part, the thought of being free exciting the man.

"Think about it, we'll be remembered by history. Our names will be plastered everywhere as those who became free.. or better yet.. Those Who Come After, a more resilient counterpart of the ones who created us!." She sighs, his words striking a chord in her mind as she contemplates the high possibility of total freedom for their kind.

It's after much pondering when she turn her head to me, face hardened in advance.

"What do we do?." I nod once, knowing that it's time for them to acquire what they've desired for more than hundreds of generations, and for my side plan to continue.

"You have to steal a Piece of Knowledge." His eyes go downcast at my admission, the risks involved in this being greater than ever.

"The Triad's armory is heavily fortified, we won't come out unscathed." I walk over to them and place a hand on his shoulder.

"It was heavily fortified, not anymore. Unscathed, but not dead. I have seen you humans run from us in all my years as an investigator, and you malàkas really put in the power when needed be. Is it this not what you want the most? This is your opportunity, you will not get another chance when Phobos takes the reins." He sighs and nods after a few minutes, Eve doing the same, both of them secretly being power driven in regards to their species.

"But what Piece? And isn't that well.. forbidden? It's knowledge of your kind, one that we won't understand. It'll be a long time until we can act on all the teachings." I nod, the man being respectful of our possessions.

"It is forbidden, but that ends as soon as it sits in your hands. Your eyes will open and with time, you will see and hear things that no one was never meant to know about other than The Twelve. And it is nothing big, simply an Apple. Take that, and it will be enough." They share a look and nod, looking at me with expectancy.

"Very well then, an Apple it is." I smile, knowing that the freedom of the humans is close, and the fall of Olympus even closer.

If Zeus wants me gone from the land that saw my birth, he'll have to try a little harder than banishing me and taking my possessions. They forbid the knowledge of our ancestors not only to the humans, but also to us, the newer generation, and that seems strange, as well as unacceptable.

They will burn by their own sins, all their wrongdoings will come to light when that Apple is acquired, and I'll be watching from the sidelines. Let them all burn.. or better yet;

Let them choke on the ashes of the dreams they built.

𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧                          | 𝘈𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯'𝘴 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥 |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt