Chapter 12 - Meet The Family (Part 2)

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Jason: Hey Dad, long time no see huh? 

He says as he gives a big hug to him, he returns the hug.

Dad: You bet ya, missed you, son.

He says as he gives a bear hug to his son, Jason breaks the hug and stands in front of his brother, the two look at each other for a bit before the two speak together.


They say in unison as they both hug each other, the two have been close for years and since the move, he has missed seeing his brother. They break the hug 

Jason: Missed you a lot, Justin

Justin just pats him on the back, gesturing that he feels the same. Jason then gestures to the three inside, as they step toward the house, Justin then calls out to him.

Justin: Since when did you have a dog? 

He says mentioning the paw print on the wood.

Dad: Did you tame a wolf or something? It's huge!

His dad says Jason stands there nervous.

Jason: Kinda...

He says a bit quietly, making his family a bit confused at what he means by that. 

Mom: So where is Kaya? Is she inside?

She asks as they step up to the door.

Jason: Yea she is, you guys are in for a surprise...

He says as he opens the door.

Jason: Kaya, you may introduce yourself...

As he says this, Kaya then walks out, her claws on her paws making a clattering sound against the floorboard making the family think its a big dog, but when they look up at her, and realizing the "big dog" is on two legs and see her smiling her big canines, Jason's mother just feints on the spot while Justin and their father just stare. 

Jason: I knew this would have happened...

He says as he facepalms.

Justin: D-Do you know she is a werewolf?!

He exclaims loudly, a bit out of fear.

Jason: Calm down guys, she won't do anything, I trust her with my life. 

He says as he steps to her and hugs her, her original nervous and scared face turned to a calm and content face as he hugs her. Jason's father calms down a bit, still nervous about the anomaly in front of them.

Dad: S-So, how long have to two been together? D-Does she has a human form? 

He asks as he picks up his wife and walks toward the Couch, Justin follows still staring at her. 

Jason: A little over a year and a half now and no, I'll explain further when we sit down and when Mom wakes up.

As the family sits down on the couch opposite Jason and Kaya, Jason's mom slowly wakes up, but upon seeing Kaya again, she gets startled and freaks out a bit, but it takes Jason to reassure her that Kaya means no harm and he will explain everything. His mom looks into his eyes and sees only truthful eyes, she calms down a bit, still nervous around the human-like wolf around them. The house is now tense as three people are seeing something they would never expect to see in their life. 

Jason then explains how they met and where she is from, the family getting more and more intrigued by the story and becoming calmer, he also mentions that she can turn into a regular wolf which is used to travel long distances. After the story leads up to the current situation, Mom buds in. 

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