A Double Sided Coin

Start from the beginning

Thief: Ahhhh! O ok! I don't know anything myself but one of the city's local gang members might know a bit more! I just know there's some kind of transaction going on with them at a warehouse in the west docks tonight!

Kaiyo wipes off his dagger and puts it back in its sheath and then grabs the purse.

Kaiyo: Thanks man, see you around.

Kaiyo Thoughts: So a secret meeting at a warehouse in the western docks tonight huh?

Police officer: Sorry ma'am but there's nothing we can do right now to get your belongings back. These types of things take time.

Older lady: Oh, I see...

Kaiyo: Ma'am I believe this is yours?

Older lady: Oh my! Thank you so much young man here take this.

She tries giving Kaiyo some money.

Kaiyo: It's quite alright ma'am I was just doing a good deed I don't need payment.

Older lady: But I feel bad if I don't reward you.

Kaiyo points down with a polite grin to another Quince in her grocery bag.

The older lady kindly gives it to him.

Kaiyo pats the officer on the shoulder as he walks away.

Kaiyo: Sorry Officer, the guy got away but I was able to recover her belongings.

Some time passes by as Kaiyo freely enjoys the rest of his day until night falls.

You can hear the sound of the waves crashing up against the docks and the buoy bells ringing as Kaiyo walks up to the warehouses on the west dock.

Kaiyo: So this is it? But which one is it? Ugh, I should've interrogated that thief a little more.

He begins walking around the area and finds some cargo crates leaning up against one of the warehouses and decides to climb to the top and scout out the other warehouses by looking through their windows.

Kaiyo: This must be the one, it's a small place but some crates in the middle are set up like a table and I'm assuming the goods are behind them.

He enters through a window and lays down on the roof supports close to the ceiling.

Kaiyo: Guess now all I have to do is wait.

Some time passes by as the doors on each side of the warehouse open and more dark thick clothed civilians walk in.

Gang member 1: (entered the warehouse through the east side) Do you have them?

Gang member 2: (entered the warehouse through the west side) We have them, do you have the payment?

Gang member 1 opens a case revealing a ton of money while gang member 2 opens a crate full of drugs.

Kaiyo: Guess it's time to make an entrance.

He jumps down from above and smashes the first two gang members faces against the crate knocking them out.

Gang member 3: Who are you!?

He goes to grab something hidden by his waist as Kaiyo drops down on his hands and kicks into his chest, sending him flying.

Gang member 4: Bastard!

He pulls a knife and charges Kaiyo, Kaiyo grabs his arm that holds the knife then snaps it then proceeds to punch him in the gut and land a light but precise chop to the back of his neck.

Gang member 5 pulls out a gun but before he can fire Kaiyo throws his dagger landing it in the barrel of the pistol making it blow up in the gang members face.

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