Hashira meeting.

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Mission report: Hashira meeting.

Date: April 6th

Katao: The hashira meeting, shall begin.

The hashira all stand in front of Katao in this respective order left to right. Hyutto, Kazan, Kokuri, Kasumi, Eri, and Kurisu.

Katao: We have confirmation that the demon slayer mark is back. Kenta and Arima awakened one shortly before their death.

Hyutto: The demon slayer mark?

Kazan: I've never heard of something like that.

Eri: A what?

Kasumi: I know of it a little.

Katao: What is it?

Kasumi: The samurai clan had mentioned it, I remember hearing the elders talking about a samurai they sent to the demon slayers coming back with a weird mark.

Sakura walks next to Katao and whispers in his ear.

Sakura: You know she doesn't like talking about her days back in the samurai clan, when are you going to stop her.

Katao: R-right, We heard a little from the samur-

Kokuri: The demon slayer mark, a mark that first appears on a demon slayer's body during intense conditions and a very high body temperature. The demon slayer that gains a demon slayer mark has their physical powers enhanced greatly. The mark is believed to trade your life span for power.

Everyone looks at Kokuri in shock.

Katao: W-well that was a perfect explanation.

Kurisu: K-kokuri, how do you know this?

Kokuri: I don't know... I don't remember when or where I learned this... but I'm certain that I remember hearing about it.

Katao: I see...

Kazan: Is there any way they could've gotten the mark?

Katao: We have an idea, but I still question it.

Both Mitsuki and Kaiyo are waiting in the courtyard. Kaiyo is sitting down while Mitsuki is playing with Saber.

Kaiyo: Sure is boring having to wait.

Mitsuki: Saber, you're so soft!

Katao: There's something else I'd like to discuss, we got a tsuguko application.

Hyutto: Hm? Don't we get dozens of them practically daily?

Katao: This kid was right by Kenta's side as he died, he's requesting to be trained and put into final selection by one of the hashira. Kenta would've trained a kid like him, so in his honor, I request one of you guys to take him in.

Hyutto: The only ones without a tsuguko are Kazan, Katao, Kurisu, Eri, and Kokuri.

Kazan: Mitsuki has practically become my tsuguko with all the training I do with him.

Hyutto: Eh? You've taken the responsibility? Never expected that from you.

Kazan: W-well... Why don't you take it Kuris-

Kurisu: No.

Kokuri: I dunno.

Eri: Maybe... I don't know

Kazan: Well someone has to take in that kid, Tawasha has been through a lot.

Kurisu: Did you just say Tawasha?

Katao: Yeah, the kids name is Tawasha Shonigoto.

Kurisu has a slight flash back.

China, four years ago. Kurisu's mansion aka his criminal headquarters

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