Chapter 38

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Sage's POV

"Is Dante Romano your husband"? Chris asked me the first question, I breath out before answering him.

"Yes, he is" I whispered out, I saw Alex clenched his jaw but he looked calm after a while.

Chris wrote down something before asking me another question "how long have you been married to him"? He asked again

"Two years before I ran away" I breath out.

"And why did you run away"? He pressed, I closed my eyes before opening them

"He had been abusing me and I knew I had to run if I wanted to live" I told him keeping my emotions in check

He wrote something down again before proceeding to ask another question, Alex just sat quietly close to me, I know he was itching to touch me.

"Can you tell me how you got married, when and why he started abusing you"? He asked me at once.

I intertwined my fingers together to keep them from sweating and I looked at them for a while before I looked back up.

"It was an arranged marriage, my father wanted a partnership with him and the only way they could achieve that was to marry me to him, we got married like every other couple, at first he was nice to me and he never did anything contrary to what he made us all believe, that he was a gentleman" I breath out trying to control my breath, asides Aisha I had never talked to anyone about this

"Two weeks into our marriage we went for an event and something happened there that got him pissed off, we went back home and he blamed me for it, I tried to make him see it wasn't my fault but he wouldn't have it at all, he.... he raped me that night" I cracked a bit at the end but I quickly recovered

"That was the first time he abused me, I thought he would apologize and blame it on the alcohol but he didn't even pay me any mind, so the next morning after he left for work, I picked out a few things and left for my dad's place, I got there and told him everything, my dad got furious and invited him over, as usual he played a very apologetic and remorseful husband and convince my dad into letting him take me" I breath out, I did that for a few minutes to stabilize my breathing

"If you don't want to go on you can stop and we'll reschedule for another time" Alex whispered to me, his eyes were red when I looked at him, I gave him a sad smile.

"No its fine, let's just get it over with, I'm not sure I'd be able to do this again if I stop now" I tell him.

He just nods, letting me continue.

"He took me home and didn't say anything to me, at first I thought he was really remorseful and wanted me to forgive him, two nights later I was home when he came back covered in blood, they weren't his tho, I tried to get him to tell me who's blood they were but he refused he just walked past me and went into our bedroom" I could still remember how he looked that night.

"A few hours later I saw in the news that unknown men had attacked our house and they'd killed my father, I just knew then, I knew it wasn't unknown men but the man I was married to, he had killed my father because he wanted to render me helpless and powerless" a tear fell from my eyes and I swiped it away.

"I confronted him and he hit me, he hit me repeatedly until I lost consciousness, I woke up and realized he had tied me to the bed, that was how he started abusing me physically, mentally and sexually"

"Why didn't you ever go to the cops"? Chris asked me.

I just scoffed at him, report Dante to the cops, I remember the one time I tried it and he found out.

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