Chapter 13

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Sages POV

I should have known that my boss would be at it again after he called that old man.
Honestly I don't even know how I got back to the office without have a panic attack because I wasn't myself.

Coming back only to be met with the harsh and crude words of my boss, everything he said to me today only reminds me of Dante, from calling me a whore to calling me pathetic.

Now I not only have my boss to worry about but there's that old man, if he ever yaps about my being here to Dante then I'm dead.

All my hiding and taking of harsh insults from my boss would have been for nothing.
I'm supposed to go see Aisha today but I didn't have it in me, even after leaving work I just went straight home.

Now I'm just sitting on my bed looking at open space but my mind is far deep in thought to even bother.

I don't care if my boss insults or talks down on me, I'm okay with it all if Dante never finds me.

I'm ready to take it all if it hides me away from him, you think my boss is bad, Dante is the devil, he's evil, he's vile, he has no pity.


Warning: abuse and use of vile words

I'm sitting across the table from him while he munches on his food, I personally cooked it so I can get a chance to break the news to him.

At least something positive is coming out of this so called marriage, I'm trying to keep calm but my legs are bouncing on their own underneath the table.

"Will you stop doing that, I hate it when you're nervous, it pisses me off" he seethes which makes me immediately stop to bounce my legs or at least I try but they just won't stop.

I look over to him to see he has finished, he didn't even ask if I ate, so much for being a husband.

I quickly clear the table and come back to the dining room to see him still sitting there, I fidget with the hem of my dress trying to come up with the correct word to tell him.

"D..d... Dante, there's something I need to tell you" I speak up trying not to stutter but I fail miserably.

He look up at me and raises his brows telling me to go on

"I.. um.... I..." I try to push the words out but they refuse to come out.

"If it's about you leaving, then forget about it Sage" he mutters making me shake my head.

"No no it's not that... It's just..... I am... I'm pregnant" I finally push it out with my head down.

For a moment I hear nothing but silence, no reaction from him nothing at all just quietness, I'm scared to look up.

Maybe he's happy after all, maybe he'll finally start treating me good because I'm carrying his child.

I hear scraping of chairs indicating he is standing up "what did you say"? He asks dangerously low and it makes me shiver.

I don't answer as I swallow hard "what the fuck did you say"? He barks out making me flinch

"I....I. I said I'm pregnant" I tell him again this time daring to look up at him and his eyes are red.

His jaw is clenched and so are his fists, God help me "you're pregnant for me, sì"? He asks gripping my face in his hands and forcing me to look him in the eye.

"You want to keep it am I right"? He asks again making me nod slowly with I find hard to do because of his tight grip on my jaw.

"Sorry to bust your bubble wife but there's no place for that thing in my house" he say in a deadly way making me widen my eyes, he can't be serious, this is his child for fucks sake.

"Now I'm gonna call up my doctor and have her come here first thing tomorrow morning and we'll get rid of this thing you're carrying" he says pointing towards my stomach and I quickly wrap my hands around it in a protective manner shaking my head.

He's not gonna kill my child, over my dead body
"What's that wife"? He asks cocking his brows at me and pulling me closer to him.

"I'm not doing it and I'm not going to let you do it" I whisper out but I know he heard me because his eyes is filled with rage.

"I'm not giving you a choice" he whispers into my ears

"No" I try to wiggle out of his hold, how can he even think of harming my child, his child

"What did I say about telling me no"? He barks making me flinch, he let's go off me and takes his hands through his hair.

"Dante please I'll do anything just don't hurt my child" I plead trying to get to a soft spot, that is if he even has one.

"You're not keeping that thing in my house" he barks "I married you and not that thing you're carrying" he seethes.

"Then you'll have to kill me before touching my child" I don't know where I got the confidence from but I instantly regret saying what I just said when his hand lands on my face, blinding my vision.

"If that's what you want wife" he breathes out before I hear clinking of his belt, oh no.

I try to run but he grabs my head and slams it on the wall close to the living room entrance, my vision gets blurry with spots blinding me.

"You think you can talk back at me huh, too bad we won't have to wait till the doctor gets here tomorrow because I'm gonna personally kill that little rat you got in there" he says bringing my face close to his and pushing me hard on the floor.

I try to protect my stomach by covering it, I know begging will only make things worse, I hear wooshing sounds and next I know is his belt coming down on my back.

I grit my teeth to try and contain the pain but it's unbearable, he kicks my stomach and I try harder to shield it away from him but he just drags me up and takes me to the living room

He start kicking and punching my stomach making me beg for my baby's life

"Please stop" I sob as the pain becomes unbearable, he keeps kicking and punching knocking the air out of me

"I don't fucking want a child Sage, so next time you want to get pregnant think about that" he breathes out as he keeps on kicking and using his belt on my back.

I can feel warm liquid seeping out in between my legs and I don't need a soothsayer to tell me what is happening, my vision gets blurry and I succumb to the darkness.

*End of Flashback*

Tears are running down my face and I don't even have the will power to wipe it off.

I can't let Dante find me, even if it means I have to take all of the insults and humiliation from my boss then I'd do just that

I can't go back to that torture, that hellhole, he's a monster and hell will freeze over before I let him put his hands on me again.

He almost broke me the first time, if he ever finds me then I'm not sure I'll be able to hold on this time.

I'll find a way to deal with Winston that old man, he can't tell Dante where I am.

Short chapter I know, it's just really hard writing these abuse scenes since I know nothing about being abused 😩😩

But I try
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