Chapter 37

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Sage's POV

After Alex left to meet with his lawyer friend, I was left alone in the apartment, I had basically nothing to do and personally I didn't have the strength to do anything.

I had my bath and just sat down on my bed thinking, I had seen myself earlier on in the bathroom mirror and I looked nothing like the Sage I knew, I was a shadow of my former self.

I was too broken to even care anymore, I suddenly heard the door open and I assumed Alex was back but he left not too long ago.

I decided to get up and see for myself, because I had asked him to lock me in, that way I'd feel safe.

I walked outside my room and into the living room to find Anna sitting there with a baby in my her arms, he was blabbing and saying incoherent things.

I guess this was her son, the one she bore for Tony, she looked up from him and smiled at me.

She was a very beautiful and remarkable woman and she looked even more attractive with her child in her arms.

"Sorry for busting up on you, I know Alex isn't home and plus I have a spare key to his place so I thought I'd check up on you, I can leave if you're not comfortable having me around" she rushed out.

"No don't leave, I'd appreciate the company" I squeaked out stopping her, she just smiled at me and went back to arranging her son.

"Is he yours"? I asked her pointing at the baby, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes, his name is Rhys" she said with so much love in her eyes, I yearned for that.

The love she was having, I yearned for it a lot, I wanted to be loved and I wanted to love.

I just stood there awkwardly until she patted the space close to her asking me to sit with her, I walked gently to her and sat with her.

She asked if I wanted to hold him, at first I refused because I was still skeptical about human contact but she assured me it was okay so I agreed.

He looked so cute, he had the eyes of his father but he looked like his mom in a lot of ways, he has her blonde hair, his was a shade darker, he had her lips and he just kept looking at me strangely.

I didn't know when a tear dropped from my eyes, if only my life wasn't such a mess, I wanted this too, a child of my own, a happy and loving family.

She put her hands on my laps and started consoling me, I gave him back to her and walked into my bathroom to wash my face, I hated feeling weak and helpless, especially in front of people.

I came back and saw she had laid him on the couch, he wasn't sleeping but he was just playing with his toys and blabbing stuff

"You know it's okay to cry" she told me after I sat with her, she went ahead to tell me a lot of things and even the time she tried to take her life after Alex left.

She told me she was pregnant then and she didn't even care if she hurt her baby, she told me of how Tony had helped her see things the right way.

She was indeed a strong woman, tho our situations were different but still, she held on strong.

She also told me of how she had to testify against the man that kidnapped her and forced Tony to have sex with her, she assured me that if I wanted peace then I had to put Dante where he belonged and I had to get justice for myself.

I got to see her for how nice and kind she is, she wasn't a snob or even judgemental, she just wanted me to open up to someone, even if it wasn't going to be her.

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