The children couldn't contain their excitement as they chatted loudly, practicing the English words and phrases they remembered hoping to impress their teacher.

Karina smiled widely amidst the chaos.

Suddenly, They ululated in chorus at the sound of two Direhorses crossing the fallen tree and trotting towards the entrance.

Unknowingly, a Na'vi warrior was peeking behind one of the wide columns. 

Karina beamed at her Aunt as she approached Mo'at to greet her respectfully.

"I am glad to see you again, Tsahik. Thank you for allowing me to return". She extended her hand to the spiritual leader, who held hers in return.

It has been years since the two last saw each other, but it is clear that the bond they had before the school was shut down was still there.

"You have been missed dearly, GraceAugustine. Welcome back". The spiritual leader extended her arm and turned to the children, ushering them toward their English teacher. 

Warm smiles were exchanged as they took in the long-awaited sight.

"It is nice to see you again. Look how big you are". Grace grinned as she approached them. "You all look so pretty".

The children fawned over her and played with her braids.

It was not long before they started reviewing their previous lessons, giggling now and again about fond memories.

Jake beamed while crossing his arm in front of him. He was satisfied with the outcome of his brilliant idea.

"Come on, Skxawng. You must learn to dodge still".  Neytiri pushed the marine toward the direction of the training fields.

Karina laughed as she made eye contact with a bitter-looking Jake before following Mo'at to forage for some fruits for snacks later.


Karina nearly skipped as she entered home tree with a bowl of fruits in her hand. 

Mo'at had to resume her responsibilities as Tsahik and trusted her to look after her Aunt's accommodations.

As she walked past a thick limb, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist from behind and pulled her out of sight from anyone nearby.

"What the heck-?". Her words were cut off by a hand over her mouth. 

She hated how she let her guard down, not expecting to be attacked in broad daylight inside Kelutral.

Her face contorted in rage as she looked up to see who the perpetrator was.

It was Tsu'tey.

Karina flicked his hand off her mouth and stared at him with a puzzled look.

The warrior silenced her by placing his forefinger over his lips. 

His ears flattened against his head as he cautiously glanced at Grace and the kids before turning to face her again.

She exhaled gently in an attempt to calm her breath. 

Eyeing him closely, he did not mind her witnessing his vulnerable side. 

Karina understood his apprehension and couldn't help but empathize. 

It can be challenging to confront a memory that brings up the pain, yet at the same time, that same memory or person can provide a sense of comfort and longing.

That was what she felt after the first few weeks of meeting Jake. 

"Breathe". She gently rested her hand on his chest, her gaze locked with the warrior standing before her.

Thankfully, he calmed down as his muscles relaxed after respiring deeply several times. 

His strong breaths fanned her face due to the lack of space between their bodies. 

He savored the warmth emanating from her hand as he closed his eyes, feeling his racing heart slowly steading.

"You will be right beside me, yes?". He placed his hand over hers and grasped it tightly as he glanced down at her.

She smiled widely as she tilted her head slightly at him.  

With a gentle nod, she happily agreed as he recalled her kind offer. 

Twisting her hand on top to hold his, Karina slowly pulled him out of his hiding spot and started to walk toward the group.

The children still huddled around Grace as she cuddled a toddler. They followed her where ever she went.

"That is very good, Nekawn". She smiled brightly at the young girl who proudly showed the doll she made from the fibrous tissues of a beanstalk palm.

Smelling the sweet scent of the fruits, they all looked up and smiled at Karina.

"I brought someone who wants to meet you, Aunt Grace". She stepped to the side to reveal the tall warrior who followed closely behind her.

She carefully placed the bowl at the center for the children to feast on.

"Tsu'tey? Is that you?". Considering how much he had grown in a few years, Grace looked stunned.

He took tentative steps, wanting to be within a reasonable distance from Karina, but she pushed him forward.

"I see you". Gulping down his nerves as he greeted Grace in English.

The delighted Xenobiologist smiled warmly and passed the baby she held to her niece.

"I see you too. You remembered your lessons. I didn't think--". She reached out her hand with her palm facing him.

It was a greeting Grace had taught them that despite their differences in language and anatomy, Interaction with the sense of touch will always be universal.

"I remember everything, Sa'nok". He gladly closed the space between their palms with a genuine smile. 

Karina beamed at the heartwarming scene before her. It was courageous of Tsu'tey to open up to Grace again.

The children happily cheered and embraced her aunt lovingly.

It was remarkable how the children had such a special bond with her that they affectionately referred to her as 'Mother' instead of the typical 'Teacher'.

Grace has achieved great success in her career, yet she sometimes yearns for a family of her own. 

Her students and caring for Karina were the closest thing she had that filled that gap.

"We will never forget how you made us feel loved". Karina carefully took the bracelet she had made from her pouch and handed it to her Aunt. "Welcome back to the village Aunt Grace".

Tears started growing as she admired the precious gift in her hands. 

"I thought about all of you every day. I missed you all". She looked over the students' faces longingly and touched Tsu'tey's shoulder.

Her gaze landed on her niece as they made eye contact. She mouthed a silent 'Thank you'.

A warm smile spread across Karina's face as she held the little one close. The baby snuggled in contentedly, finding a comfortable spot on her shoulder. 

Celestial Love (Tsutey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now