belong to yourself first, the world can wait.

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Belong to Yourself First, the World Can Wait

In the rush of life's demands, a constant race,
Remember to seek solace in your own embrace.
Amidst the chaos and noise that surrounds,
Belong to yourself first, where inner peace abounds.

The world may beckon with its hurried pace,
But take a moment, find your own space.
In self-discovery, let your soul unfurl,
Embrace your essence, your own precious pearl.

Belong to yourself, for you are a treasure,
A unique blend of dreams, hopes, and pleasure.
Nurture your passions, let them ignite,
For within you, a universe takes flight.

The world's demands may pull you astray,
But listen to your heart, find your own way.
In the stillness within, your truth resides,
A compass guiding you through life's tides.

Take the time to know yourself, deep and true,
Embrace your flaws, your strengths, all that is you.
For in this self-belief, a power is found,
To rise above challenges, standing firm on solid ground.

The world can wait, as you cultivate your soul,
Finding purpose and meaning to make you whole.
For when you belong to yourself, first and foremost,
The world becomes a canvas, where dreams can boast.

So, cherish your solitude, your quiet retreat,
In self-reflection, let your spirit meet.
Belong to yourself, with love and care,
And watch as the world, in time, becomes aware.

For when you belong to yourself, unconditionally,
The world will see your radiance, so brilliantly.
So, remember, dear soul, as life's rhythms unfold,
Belong to yourself first, and let your light behold.

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